The CYBILL HONEYSUCKLE bag caught attention in Dubai, and it is a special version of the “Flexible Cybille” bag and icon that no other bag can match to celebrate the winter season. Luxury leather handbags are protected by intellectual property rights. This medium and small size is available in two colors. Pearl and blue.
The leather is decorated with a floral print using digital printing, and the distinctive versions are produced by hand. “Sybil” bags are manufactured in a partner factory of AIGNER in Italy, and like all bags, the finest high-quality leather materials are used in their production, elegantly designed and manufactured with meticulous handcraftsmanship in Florence, Italy.
The “Honey Blossoms” bag constitutes a fine masterpiece and is inspired by the works of William Morris, the English architect, designer, and artist, who is considered one of the founders of the Arts and Crafts movement in Europe. The “Sybil Honey Blossoms” bag is considered a true icon that holds a global patent in its dear name. Technology is used Digital printing.