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Introduces curfew after wild partying

The curfew applies from 20 to 06, and takes effect immediately. Authorities say thousands of happy-go-lucky students have flocked to Miami Beach, where they have vandalized restaurants, fought in the streets and gathered in large crowds without regard to infection control rules.

– These are crowds of several thousand. That is more than we can handle, says city manager Raul Aguila Miami Herald.

The holiday came to an abrupt end for this gang. Photo: Pedro Portal / Miami Herald via AP

The partying students are blamed for the curfew, which will apply to both residents and tourists in the popular destination South Beach.

It is not yet known how long the curfew will last, but Aguila warns that it will end no earlier than 12 April. The United States has already imposed a national curfew at midnight as a result of the corona pandemic.

Both pedestrians or motorists will be denied access to the area from 8 pm, and all shops are required to close.

Strong warning

The announcement comes shortly after the reputable bar Clevelander South Beach announced that they will stop all food and alcohol serving until March 24, as a result of major street fights in the area. The bar and chairs of the neighboring restaurant were smashed during one of the fights.

Local authorities also ban alcohol on beaches, and introduce a liquor ban at 10 pm. Tourists in Miami Beach were also sent a strong warning via text message:

– Holidays responsible or be arrested, was the authorities’ clear message.

Tourists are encouraged to holiday responsibly.  The alternative is to be arrested.

Tourists are encouraged to holiday responsibly. The alternative is to be arrested. Photo: Pedro Portal / Miami Herald via AP

– Spring break in Miami Beach may be a proud tradition, but only if you intend to follow the rules. Otherwise, you can just as easily stay at home and save on legal costs, it is further stated in the message reproduced by Associated Press.

Loses big

Florida is heavily dependent on the tourism industry, which is the state’s leading source of income. In 2018, Florida spent just over NOK 800 billion on tourism, and the corona pandemic has created major challenges.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has sought to support the companies through mild coronary restrictions, and Florida, unlike many other states, has no sanctions or boundaries for event attendees.

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