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Intesa Sanpaolo, beware of the scam: investments at risk

Pay attention to investments. A new scam attempt was recently reported that could put our savings at risk. Let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

In order to counter the spread of Covid, we are asked to pay attention to various precautions, such as social distancing. A particularly complex historical period, which records an increasingly massive use of the various technological tools, such as smartphones and PCs. Starting from social networks up to instant messaging appon the other hand, we are really spoiled for choice, with many tools at our disposal to be able to communicate with friends and relatives who are in every corner of the planet. So many advantages, but at the same time there are pitfalls.

In fact, more and more often, some cyber criminals decide to organize scams ad hoc, in order to extort sensitive data and money from the unfortunate on duty. Some attempts at deception, such as that of the fake Ikea voucher for 250 euros, or non-existent online insurance. If all this were not enough, a new scam attempt has recently been reported to be able to put at risk our savings. Let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it and above all how to defend yourself.

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Banks, watch out for investment scams: Intesa Sanpaolo’s alarm

Intesa Sanpaolo is warning its customers to pay attention to a new attempted scam capable of putting their savings at risk. This is the so-called investment scam, which leads many to mistakenly invest their money and lose their life savings. How is it possible?

Well, it is a scam studied down to the smallest detail and which sees some hackers pretending to be financial operators of Intesa Sanpaolo. The latter contact some customers of the institute by telephone inviting them to register on an online trading platform. Once the user’s interest has been captured, the scammer informs the unfortunate person on duty that he can register in his place in order to operate on the account more easily.

From the beginning, a small amount of money is required which, apparently, seems to be paying off well. Over time they are in demand increasingly large amounts, until you get to the moment in which you will no longer have contact with the operator and not even the possibility of accessing the amount invested.

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A scam studied in a workmanlike manner, with the institute being on his own official page provides some useful tips to avoid falling into the trap. In particular, remember to be wary “always from those who offer you easy earnings and, in general, if you want to operate through online trading platforms, always make sure that they are certified by CONSOB. In general, always look for as many reviews as possible online and, if in doubt, always refer to your trusted manager“.

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