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Interview with Georgi Lozanov: A Philosopher’s Wisdom and Compassion in the Face of Life’s Trials

He is a philosopher by education, one of the most famous media experts in Bulgaria, a culturologist and a professor at the Faculty of Journalism with a clearly stated civic position and a unique style. We know him mostly in his professional role, but his life is colorful and interesting enough to look beyond the image of the professional with the colorful bow tie. Because Associate Professor Georgi Lozanov knows both the beauty of life and its ugly face.

This Saturday, in the “Here and now” section of the program “Wake Up”, Desi Banova-Plevnelieva meets us with docent Georgi Lozanov. He spoke frankly about why his home is called the “House of Birds”, why he has a special relationship with his patron saint St. Georgi and how, after a great tragedy, his family takes care of two small children.

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One of the biggest trials in his life was the unfortunate incident when his cousin died in a car accident along with his wife. Their children remain orphans and it is Lozanov’s family that lends them a hand.

“Everything happened suddenly, as if a hand took them and carried them to heaven”recalls Lozanov.

“It was a very difficult period for them. And then, of course, the most normal human compassion, and a deeper feeling even than compassion, required how we could respond and assist these children, regardless of what fate took from them, to be able to move on and have their own path and their own sense that happiness is possible and to come”says the associate professor.

Despite some vicissitudes of life, he says he is a pacifist and therefore does not identify much with the image of his saint St. George, who is a warrior. However, in recent years he has come to realize that in fact we all have to be warriors in one way or another.

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“The point is that one does not give up being happy despite the difficulties”says Lozanov.

In his words, love is our only defense against the disturbing human being. He has the example of his parents, who have been together for 67 years. He himself has been together with his wife Galya for many years.

He says of their relationship that it had three beginnings. “Life met her three times, and the first two times nothing came of it. The third time it became clear that this work would not go away without consequences”he recalls.

In front of the “Wake Up” camera, he also shares an interesting fact about himself – that he has been wearing bow ties since he was a child.

“They were a gift from my grandfather. Then, when I gained a public image, I started wearing them every day”added Lozanov.

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2024-04-13 09:30:00

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