little tastelili: they confirm the pairing, andmaintain a close connectionwith their fans through theirconcerts and presentations.clarissa: it was the turn ofnew york fansenjoy your songsgelena solano was able to speak withher before going outscenery.gelena: as you can see, lookof the environment, we are in thefamous central park inexclusive interview but thehash, a full house at theconcert, you know what’s upon tour, and we had theopportunity to interview herhis room hours before wherehave it before you have it inhis concert.there were presented thesingers in new york, beforewe surprised her at her concertin his hotel where they werepreparing for your presentation>> well, we are right nowdeciding what we are going toput on, a very exciting show,sparked anger in statesunited but we are carryingsurprise after surprise, has beensuper fun tour>> it’s the fourth date thatwe have in the united states, nowe can believe it, carrying theflag of éxico held high.we usually leave three and three.gelena: while they were looking for whatclothes to put on, they told mehappy that they arebe on one of the screensgigantic, also usThey talked about some of theirweaknesses.>> my eyes almost came outtears, in fact we were allwith the band, with the whole club.I am addicted to wine.I always record also agreed.I was addicted to sugar, sinceIt’s an addiction, I love itdonuts, be lesschocolates, I love themsweet things.I ate a pizza yesterday, sowhen we are on a diet and whenno, the problem is that in thethat we are almost never on a dietMasters.gelena: ashley told us aboutwho has no luck in love.>> I was very bad in love,I think I choose wrong, tooI have something to blame.I still believe in love.gelena: luck, I’ll be therethere seeing them, enjoying theconcert. congratulations.>> thank you, a kiss and a greetingto “the fat and the skinny”.gelena: we could see how you aregirls with so much energy andtalent drove thevery focused on his careerzero gossip, receiving everysecond the love of theNew Yorkers, it was a packedtotal, the show was stolenfascinated, and I send you a lotluck.lili: greetings to my people from