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INTERVIEW – Hélène Rollès: “Thanks to my children, I know why I get up in the morning”

With her laughing gaze and her enthusiasm intact, Hélène Rollès has not changed since the emergence of her fame in the early 1990s. If she had announced the end of her performing career with the release of her last album, in 2021, this Friday October 11 marks his return to song. In a new opus of 14 tracks – which will soon be recorded in Mandarin for her Chinese fans -, with sounds as melancholy and candid as ever, the eternal Hélène Girard reconnects with the melodies that made her known, there are now more 30 years old. All this, always accompanied and supported by his group of friends!

In an open-hearted interview, the 58-year-old artist opens up about Gala.fr on the reasons for this musical return, looks back on his complicity with his acolytes of the Mysteries of loveon TMC, speaks about the #MeToo movement and even slips in some confidences about his two children adopted eleven years ago in Ethiopia, June and Marcus, his “spitting image”.

>> PHOTOS – Hélène Rollès, Patrick Puydebat, Manuela Lopez… Their physical evolution 30 years after their debut

Gala.fr: Some time ago, you said: “If I make an album again, it leads to a scene and I have so much stage fright that I hesitate.” Should we conclude that you have overcome this fear and are ready to find your audience again?

Hélène Rollès: I think at some point it will be inevitable, but for now, I haven’t decided. I’ve already made this album and we’ll see afterwards, everything in its time.

At the end of August, you unveiled the music video forOh my life is beautifulwith Patrick Puydebat, Laly Meignan, Sébastien Roch… A nostalgic moment that your fans loved, your complicity seems intact. Did you want to bring together the band ofHelene and the boys for your new album?

Yes, they have been part of all my projects from the beginning. And then this title really reminds us of our beginnings, so it was a nice nod and it brings back memories for everyone. I’ve never done a scene without them all being there at the end. They do it to please me because I know that my audience will be happy to see them, at Bercy, at the Olympia.

You have often said that you form a “family”. Have you shared each other’s joys and sorrows for over 30 years?

We are together all the time, we know each other by heart. We are each other’s best friends, I know I can call any of them, day or night, and they will be there for me, and vice versa. We all know it, it’s a great opportunity.

Even today, more than 30 years after the start ofHelene and the boysthe French love you. How do you explain this attachment of viewers?

We were at people’s houses every evening at 6 p.m., so we became part of their family. In the street, they don’t ask the question. They come to me and tell me “Hi Hélène, how are you?” and who kiss me as if they were seeing a cousin again. They have no filter, they know me.

I believe you, He likes a boy, If you tell me, I love you…we think we’re listening to the tribulations of a young woman when we hear you talk about love in this new album. Has your vision of love remained the same over the years?

More or less. Love is universal, it’s always the same. When we fall in love, whether we are 75 years old or 12 years old, we fall back into the same state of bliss and non-discernment. We are on cloud nine, regardless of age. These are little stories that I have chosen to tell and which may appeal to young people. It’s Jean-Luc Azoulay [Jean-François Porry, de son nom de plume] and Gérard Salesses who write the songs and I select them from the thousands of pieces they have on hand. They have unchanging sounds that inevitably recall the 1990s.

More than ever since the birth of the #MeToo movement, love, seduction and male-female relationships are vast social issues… what do you think?

I find this very good. I 100% support this movement. It was time for this to evolve and I found the first women who spoke out extremely courageous, I admire them, they were right because it was not easy, in this man’s world. But I hope that this will continue to evolve, towards a world of women, because there are many of us there who exist and are not just soft pies!

In 2022, you appear in the music video Old lookby Big Flo and Oli, with Julien Doré. Are you happy to be part of the collective memory of this generation of artists?

Yes, it’s funny! We take a real “looking old” suddenly, but it made us very happy, with Philippe [Vasseur] and Laly [Meignan] to participate in the clip. It was to surprise Julien Doré, who adored us. It was touching and we were proud.

On December 20, you will celebrate your 58th birthday. How are you coping with approaching sixty?
I feel lucky to reach this age. Obviously, I would prefer to be 20, because at my age, you start to hurt everywhere…

As a public figure, and an actress moreover, you are often taken back to your youth. Is it difficult to watch yourself age on screen?

Just seeing each other has never pleased me. Old age is inevitable. I have aged, I have gained weight, this is the lot of all women and all men. I don’t care, I know what I look like. And my fans always tell me “you are beautiful, you haven’t changed”.

Have you never liked seeing yourself on television?

Never. Even when I was young and beautiful! (laughs) I shoot, but after that it’s not my responsibility. It’s Jean-Luc [Azoulay] who chooses the images to edit the episodes [des Mystères de l’amour, sur TMC]. It’s an incredible opportunity to do this work, we just have fun!

On Sud Radio, at the end of 2023, you mentioned the rules you set with your childrenJune and Marcus : “For me, it is out of the question that there will be a console coming into my home, or social networks (…).” A position that goes against the grain of our times!

They are still connected, I assure you. They have iPhones like their friends, but I put the kibosh on it, now they are only allowed to use them on weekends. I banned social media from the beginning. I know they bent the rule, but I deleted all the apps on their phones. After all, I’m not a cop!

What do you criticize about social networks today?

Simply wasting your time. What is the point of taking a photo of yourself with your mouth open, with filters? It looks like these young girls are all made of wax, it’s monstrous. Then, we are programmed to know 500 people at the base, so we might as well know people physically rather than through screens.

How did the arrival of your children 11 years ago change you?

All ! No more lying in… (laughs). It was a must, I knew I wanted to be a mother since I was born, so I was thrilled to have them. Now I know why I get up in the morning. When you have lived well, without children, after a while you go in circles. This was my case before they met. It was inevitable.

In 2021, June and Marcus, 13 and 15 years old, made a small appearance in The Mysteries of Loveby your side. Did they like this experience?

Yes, they liked it! They were able to see behind the scenes. Understanding that you had to learn your lines, get up early, put on makeup, pay attention to the microphones, start the take again if things didn’t go well. That was real work!

Did this express visit to the set give them ideas for later?

Not really. They don’t yet know what they want to do. I showed them what I’ve done in the past, but I don’t want to bother them with it. It’s not their time anymore…

How do your children live your notoriety ?

They don’t feel it. I live in a village where people are friendly and know me. We live in the middle of fields with cows as neighbors. The dream!

Photo credits: Sylvie Castioni

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