Two months after taking office, Laurent Nuñez, the new prefect of police of Paris was the guest of the JT of France 3 Paris Île-de-France. Crack, crime figures, cybercrime, and the Olympics, all priority files according to him.
For the new prefect of police invited on the set of France3 Paris Île-de-France, “all cases have priority.”
“To fight against crack in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and the Pantin and Aubervilliers sector”, Laurent Nuñez highlights the deployment of police personnel. “Every day, to ensure the security of the sector, there are about 200 police officers on average. We also carry out legal operations. We have arrested 24 traffickers since the beginning of August. It is enormous. We will continue these repressive actions which are fundamental with also security operations“, he asserts.
The repressive component does not solve everything
Laurent Nuñez, Prefect of Police of Paris
“Obviously, the repressive component does not solve everything. It is also a question of deploying consumer care systems and this is what we are working on with the regional prefecture with the ARS, the Regional Health Agency, with the City of Paris when the time comes, and with the prosecutor. We are therefore going to put in place support systems that are the counterpart of this police system. And carry on : “Every evening, 510 people are accommodated, 510 crack users who are accommodated in emergency accommodation, and taken care of medically and socially. We are going to work together to ramp up this system.”
“Delinquency, damage to property increased by 20% in Paris and 13% for violence against people over the first eight months of the year. These are figures that are obviously important that should not be overlooked. We can also put them into perspective if we compare them to 2019, before the Covid. The Minister of the Interior asked me to develop a plan to fight crime in Paris and in the three departments of the inner suburbs, which consists of strengthening our police presence on the ground. Since the end of August, the trend has been reversed. Attacks either decreased over the first three weeks of September“, welcomed the prefect of police.
Interviewed on the question of the use of tear gas during a demonstration in Paris this Sunday against repression in Iran, Laurent Nuñez defends “a policing technique that was used with proportion.” “These demonstrators tried to go to the Iranian Embassy, and like in all major capitals, we are protecting the embassies to prevent there have abuses. There was a very proportionate use of tear gas to prevent the protests from going outside the embassy.”
He also reacted to the cyberattack suffered by the Léonard de Vinci private university campus in Courbevoie last weekend, saying: “This worries us, we are strengthening the means of the police and gendarmerie services to better combat and investigate cyber.”
This challenge does not scare me
Laurent Nuñez prefect of police of Paris
Sites welcoming athletes, the public, routes, public transport… will be secured confirms the prefect of police. Regarding the opening ceremony on the Seine, “There are several aspects, the safety of the public who will attend this ceremony in large numbers. There will be parade security and crowd management. This challenge does not scare me. It will take place under my responsibility as Paris police prefect, we are working on it with the greatest serenity. There is no reason to be worried. Obviously the terrorist risk will be taken into account. We will use all means to ward off this type of attack, including intelligence to detect threats.”