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Interview: China-Cuba friendship grows stronger over time – Interview with Chinese Ambassador to Cuba Ma Hui_Guangming.com

Xinhua News Agency, Havana, November 24. Interview: China-Cuba friendship grows stronger over time ——Interview with Ma Hui, Chinese Ambassador to Cuba

Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Zhaohui

Chinese Ambassador to Cuba Ma Hui recently said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters in Havana that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cuba 62 years ago, the two sides have always sincerely trusted the ‘ each other and have remained together through thick and thin, and the special friendly relationship between the two countries has strengthened over time. In the future, China and Cuba will continue to strengthen the relationship between the two sides and the two countries, and go hand in hand on the road of building socialism with their own characteristics, so as to better benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

Ma Hui said Cuba was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. In the past 62 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, dealing with the vicissitudes of the international situation, China and Cuba have always sincerely trusted each other and stuck together through thick and thin. The special friendly relationship between the two countries has become stronger over time. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of China-Cuba relations. Under the leadership of the two countries’ leaders, China-Cuba relations have been operating at a high level since the beginning of the new era.

Ma Hui stressed that the two countries staunchly support each other on issues affecting each other’s core interests and major concerns. The Cuban side strongly supports the One China principle, resolutely opposes US provocation against China on the Taiwan issue, and opposes individual countries interfering in China’s internal affairs on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and to human rights. speech supporting China on behalf of dozens of countries, clearly advocating community building with a shared future for mankind, as well as global development initiatives and global security initiatives. China firmly supports Cuba in safeguarding its national sovereignty and in pursuing a path of socialism suited to its national conditions, and resolutely opposes the US embargo against Cuba.

Ma Hui said that after the outbreak of the new corona epidemic, both China and Cuba have put people’s lives and safety first, and have carried out fruitful anti-epidemic cooperation. When the epidemic situation in Cuba was critical, China provided Gucci with urgent supplies such as ventilators, oxygen concentrators, food and medicines.

Ma Hui said that in the framework of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, China and Cuba have continuously deepened economic and trade exchanges, expanded exchanges and practical cooperation in the fields of energy, agriculture, biomedicine , science and technology, education, and culture, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples in well-being. The scope of bilateral trade cooperation has continued to expand, and the types of import and export commodities have become richer and richer.

Ma Hui said that China and Cuba are both socialist countries and that the two parties and countries are closely related by common ideals and beliefs. As fellow travelers of socialism, China and Cuba will continue to strengthen the relationship between the two parties and the two countries in the new era, work together to promote Marxism’s grand localization and modernization practice, and go hand in hand on the road of building socialism with national characteristics, so as to better benefit the two countries and the two peoples, and make new and greater contributions to mankind’s bright future.

责编:杨煜 ]

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