And Lautaro a Thuram. Eight and a half (understood as minutes), the film of Inter joys. That’s how long the video lasts Dazn which is found on the pay TV profile twentieth championship. That’s 79 goals, 15 more than Milan, the team with the second best attack in this championship. A roundup of joys that tells a lot about the joyful football machine driven by Simone Inzaghiwith the second star indicating the path towards the tricolor.
Inzaghi’s Inter and those goals that come from the flanks
L’Inter scored in every way, driven by the exceptional season of its two starting forwards, it was infallible with Calhanoglu on penalties (less so with Lautaro) and took advantage of the width of the pitch, putting all the opponents in difficulty. This is thanks to the module chosen by his coach: without going into the covercianesethe cryptic language of (too) insiders, the “fifths”, i.e. the players employed at all flanks, have produced plenty of opportunities, with crosses but also – and here we are talking above all about an extraordinary Federico Dimarco – with their scoring shots. At Lazio, Marco Parolo revealed, Inzaghi offered a dinner to the whole team for every goal “from fifth to fifth”: the assist from a wing player and the goal from the other were the best demonstration of the effectiveness of his doctrine , which focuses so much on the width of the pitch. To be consistent, the former center forward from Piacenza should have taken his players to a starred restaurant (there is no shortage of them in Milan) on Sunday 10 March, the day after the victory in Bologna, where the new Italian champions won thanks to a goal from head of Bisseck su cross on Sticks: no longer “from fifth to fifth”, but “from third to third”, with the two “arms” protecting the central one, i.e. Unripe, which become wings. Anything but a defensive formation, anything other than the disguised return of the old libero: the images that flow in those eight and a half minutes demonstrate how offensive the game of the team that dominated Serie A is.

Thuram’s curling shot, Dimarco’s impossible goal
Above all, Thuram’s goal in the first leg of the derby, dominated with a 5-1 that needs no comment. That right-footed shot towards the far corner, on the fourth day, swept away all doubts: the failure of the negotiations to keep Lukaku in Milan it was a blessing for Inter, not a failure. And then Dimarco’s 56-metre left-footed winner against the Frosinone, on the evening of November 12th. San Siro first rolled his eyes, then he cheered very, very much and finally he was a little, just a little, sorry for Stefano Turatigoalkeeper of the Ciociara team, from Milan, who grew up in Inter, a team of which he is a fan, as demonstrated by his attendance at the curve in recent years: “One of us, Turati is one of us”, sang the stadium dedicated to Giuseppe Meazza, while enjoying one of the many spectacular evenings of the second star season.
#Inters #goals #championship #journey #Great #Beauty
– 2024-05-07 16:30:52