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Internet users are appalled by Chelsa and Cayden’s new project

JLC Family : Jazz and Laurent Correia, very proud parents, have just unveiled the brand new project of their two children Chelsea and Cayden.

Chelsea and Caydent launch their own project

In recent weeks, Jazz and Laurent have experienced particularly complicated weeks. While the young mother was accused of having been unfaithful to Laurent, it is the latter’s turn to be at the heart of a controversy. And for good reason: a young woman claims to have had a relationship – at a distance – with him. What he firmly denies. In parallel, his ex-mistress Lilly did not hesitate to tackle the couple.

In addition, Jazz and Laurent have lost their Snapchat accounts. And more recently, Laurent had to deal with the deletion of his Instagram account. The mother of Chelsea and Cayden then decided to address those who have followed her from the start: “And I’m so sorry, and I want to say that for all of our fans, for all of the people who really love us. For all those who have followed us for years. And who are disappointed today because in fact you are prevented from following us. As we are prevented from speaking to you, from sharing with you our joy of living, our daily life… For you I am really sorry, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your daily support… ”.

Internet users find Chealsea and Cayden project unexpected

But the JLC Family has strong shoulders. Regardless of the controversy, they always try to move forward. To do this, Jazz and Laurent use their doors. They know that work is the keystone of their development and for nothing in the world they would not stop their activities. Moreover, they even decided to include their children in their projects.

Jazz and Laurent have just unveiled the brand new Chelsea and Cayden project. The announcement was made on the little girl’s Instagram account: “I have something to tell you. My little brother and I recorded our own music! We can’t wait to share it with you. SO ON “.

The comments were not long in coming. You can read under the publication: “Which ultimately lines the pockets of parents”, ” Lol children of 3 and 2 years old who make music“,” So ridiculous! Poor children ”,“ Seriously? “,” It’s a joke there “. Nevertheless, the children also received congratulations.

Look :

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