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International Vaccination Centers in Castilla y León: Expansion and Services

The Ministry of Health is advancing to restore normality to the system that is now facing the ninth wave of covid, that of patients who could not enter and who join those who must do so urgently. Little by little, Alejandro Vázquez’s department is redrawing projects, including expanding its network of international vaccination centers to 20, a Government Council agreement from 2017, which was more than frozen by the pandemic, as they stated. to Ical sources of this department.

In fact, if there was a commitment to add eleven new centers, located in hospitals or hospital complexes, only one materialized, at the University Clinic of Valladolid, where the piloting began.

Now that the centers are taking flight again thanks to the increase in tourism abroad, the idea is to be able to expand the network with ten more centers, which will join the Clinic and the nine that have existed since 2008, one for each Territorial Health Service.

León and Valladolid, with three centers

With this step, a map of two centers per province will be drawn, except in the case of León, which will have three (two in the capital and one in the El Bierzo Hospital), and Valladolid, which will also have three, with the new one in Río Hortega University Hospital.

The nine assets will maintain the authorization obtained in the management entrustment agreement between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, in February 2008, and the authorization for the centers located in hospitals or hospital complexes will become effective progressively.

The expansion of the network of centers was agreed due to the increase in activity. In fact, some became saturated, with long waiting lists, since they received patients from other autonomous regions, such as Madrid, where the service was collapsed.

The data shows that in the last five years, between 2018 and 2022, the Public Health services of the Ministry of Health served nearly 44,000 travelers, with more than 8,700 patients annually. The figures, weighed down by the restrictions of the pandemic, contrast with the more than 10,000 that were registered, for example, in 2015, or the nearly 12,000 in 2016.

Tourism, visits and work

Of the 43,954 vaccinated in this five years, more than 65 percent came for tourism trips, both organized (49.24 percent) and adventure trips (16.5 percent). In third place were trips to visit relatives (16.15 percent), and in fourth place were work trips (eight percent). Another important reason was trips abroad on cooperation missions (almost 6.5 percent).

By destination, the three most frequent countries were Thailand (11.33 percent), India (6.31 percent) and Kenya (5.74 percent), and by nationality, Spanish (88 percent), followed by a lot of distance from the Ecuadorian and Colombian, which occupy the following positions, but represent one percent.

Regarding serums, most of the vaccines administered were against hepatitis A in adults and children, with almost 15,000 doses; yellow fever, which approached 11,000 doses; as well as those intended to protect against tetanus and diphtheria, about 5,800, and typhoid fever, 10,900.

By province, in these five years, the provinces with the highest demand were Valladolid, where 10,301 people were vaccinated; León, 7,444, and Burgos, which added 6,468. They were followed by Salamanca, with 6,017; Palencia, 3,232; Segovia, 3,215; Soria, whose center vaccinated 3,070; Ávila, with 2,190, and, finally, Zamora, with 2,017

Travel and international travelers in Castilla y León. Ical


People who have to go to international vaccination centers must make an appointment with enough time in advance, even more so when traveling in summer, which is when demand increases. Additionally, some vaccines take time to develop adequate protection. During these visits, it is important that you bring your vaccination record, to avoid repeated doses, and a detailed travel plan, since different areas of the same country may dictate different recommendations.

The actions of the international vaccination centers focus on reporting on general measures on health risks in transit and destination countries, and on general regulations related to food, water, personal hygiene and protection against environmental risks.

They issue the International Certificate of Vaccination against Yellow Fever, which is subject to international regulations; Recommended vaccines are administered against cholera, diphtheria and tetanus, poliomyelitis, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and B, communicable meningitis and encephalitis, among others, in addition to malaria prophylaxis.


Through the ‘Health also travels’ campaign, the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health disseminate the advice that is also given in vaccination centers on food, consumption of water and drinks, clothing, the need to travel with a first aid kit, recommendations on risks related to the environment (heat, humidity, insect bites), among others.

On the Ministry of Health portal (www.salud.jcyl.es), you can expand this information and find out the details of the vaccination centers that are operational in the Community.

2023-11-19 11:02:30
#León #international #vaccination #centers #province

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