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International Train Travel Cheaper Than Plane, Except for Eurostar: Study

20 Oct 2023 at 07:14

The international train from Amsterdam is in almost all cases cheaper than the plane to the same destination. Only the Eurostar to the United Kingdom is more expensive than the plane, according to research by the Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy.

Anyone looking for a travel ticket for the train or plane will soon be presented with a jumble of prices. The time of departure, the number of transfers and the time of booking all play a role in the price you pay.

This makes it difficult to determine what a good amount is for a return ticket, but also to make a good comparison between the international train and the plane.

The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy investigated prices for travel to thirteen destinations within 800 kilometers of Amsterdam. The trains only include fast connections, without slower regional trains or a large number of transfers. Sleeper trains are also not included. The researchers looked at the ticket price six weeks before the actual travel date.

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Hannover is the cheapest destination

The findings are clear: in most cases the international train is cheaper than the plane. Train tickets for the Eurostar to the United Kingdom are the exception. Train travelers to London, Birmingham or Bristol pay on average more than flying travelers.

The cheapest destination is Hannover by train. The prices for a return ticket start at 56 euros and go up to a maximum of 68 euros. For those who prefer to fly, London is the cheapest destination. Flight ticket prices vary from 90 to 210 euros. While a return with the Eurostar costs between 168 and 356 euros.

Although the train is usually cheaper on average, a plane ticket can still be cheaper due to the large price differences. Especially when traveling to Paris, there is quite a lot of overlap in the margins of flight prices and train prices.

The train price for a return to Copenhagen is fixed at 114 euros. That is always 28 euros cheaper than the cheapest airline ticket.

Destinations to and from Amsterdam within a radius of 800 kilometers.

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2023-10-20 05:14:07

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