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International Reactions to Recent Hamas Attack on Israel: United States, Russia, and Global Leaders Speak Out


Romys Binekasri, CNBC Indonesia


Sunday, 08/10/2023 12:00 WIB


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Hamas, which is a Palestinian Islamic group, launched its biggest attack against Israel in recent years on Saturday (7/10/2023).

This attack caused many casualties on the Israeli side which was then responded by a number of counterattacks which also killed many people on the Palestinian side.

United States President Joe Biden on Saturday offered support to Israel after a deadly attack by the Palestinian militant group Hamas and warned anyone hostile to Israel not to seek advantage.

The attacks by Iran-backed Islamists come amid efforts by Biden and his team to negotiate a landmark normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia and a US-Saudi defense pact.

Biden spoke by telephone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday to offer US support, with scenes of the violence playing out on American news networks. The two leaders have had tense relations but met in New York last month in a show of solidarity.

“I have made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we are ready to offer all appropriate means to support the government and people of Israel,” Biden said in a written statement issued after their call, reported Reuters.

Biden directed his national security team to stay in touch with countries across the region including Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and European allies.

However, Republicans who want to oust Biden in the 2024 presidential election were quick to criticize Biden’s handling of the situation.

“Iran has helped fund the war against Israel, and Joe Biden’s softer policies on Iran have helped fill their coffers. Israel is now paying the price for those policies,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican running for office. as his party’s presidential candidate.

He appeared to be referring to the prisoner swap deal the Biden administration completed with Iran in September. The deal was first announced in August.

Under the deal, the United States waived sanctions to allow the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian funds from South Korea to Qatar, a step necessary to carry out the US-Iranian prisoner exchange.

Russia’s attitude

Meanwhile, US rival Russia called on Israel and Palestine to carry out a ceasefire

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Russia expressed its most serious concern over the worsening of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“We call on the Palestinian and Israeli parties to implement an immediate ceasefire, renounce violence, restraint and establish, with the help of the international community, a negotiation process aimed at establishing a comprehensive, lasting and long-awaited peace in the Middle East.” Zakharova said in a statement.

The Interfax news agency reported Russia had been in contact with Israel before, citing Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

Apart from the responses from the US and Russia, various countries and institutions have also opened their voices regarding the new war that has broken out in the Middle East.

United Nations (UN)

The UN peace envoy for the Middle East, Tor Wennesland, said this was a dangerous abyss, and he called on all parties to step back from this abyss.

“These attacks have had a dire impact on Israeli civilians… Civilians should not be the targets of attacks,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk.


“The Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves from the terror of settlers and occupying forces,” said Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, reported by the official WAFA news agency.


Quoting an official news site report ISNA, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday congratulated the Palestinian fighters. “We will support the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem,” Yahya Rahim Safavi quoted Khamenei as saying.

Iranian state television showed lawmakers standing from their seats and chanting “Death to Israel”.

“In this operation, the element of surprise and other combined methods were used, which shows the confidence of the Palestinian people in facing the invaders,” said Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, quoted by ISNA.


“Terrible news reaches us today from #Israel. We are deeply shocked by the rocket fire from Gaza and the increasing violence. Germany condemns the attacks carried out by Hamas and supports Israel,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on social media.


French President Emmanuel Marcon strongly condemned the attack.

“I express my full solidarity with the victims, their families and those close to them,” he said.

Arab Saudi

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry called for an “immediate cessation of violence”.


Egypt’s Foreign Ministry warned of serious consequences and called for maximum restraint and avoid exposing civilians to further danger.

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“Canada strongly condemns the current terrorist attacks against Israel. These acts of violence are completely unacceptable. We stand with Israel and fully support its right to defend itself. Our thoughts are with everyone affected. Civilian lives must be protected,” said the Prime Canadian Minister Justin Trudeau.


“The UK unequivocally condemns the horrific attacks carried out by Hamas against Israeli civilians. The UK will always support Israel’s right to defend itself,” said British Foreign Minister James Cleverly.

European Union

“I firmly condemn the attack carried out by Hamas terrorists against Israel. It is terrorism in its most heinous form,” said EU Commission Head Ursula von der Leyen.

In addition, foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said his party firmly condemned the attacks carried out by Hamas. “This terrible violence must stop immediately. Terrorism and violence will not solve anything,” he added.


“We call on all parties to exercise restraint,” said Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.


Qatar’s Foreign Ministry said that Israel was responsible for the ongoing escalation of violence with the Palestinian people, and called on both sides to exercise restraint.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalensky condemned what he called terror attacks against Israel and said Israel’s right to defend itself could not be doubted.


Iran-backed Lebanon’s Hezbollah group, Israel’s archenemy, said it had been in direct contact with the Palestinian resistance leadership and described the event as a firm response to Israel’s ongoing occupation and a message to those seeking normalization with Israel.


“I am shocked by today’s brutal attacks on Israel by Hamas. The rocket attacks and the detention of civilians as hostages arouse our deepest opposition. Poland strongly condemns all acts of violence,” said Polish President Andrzej Duda.


“The attacks carried out from the Gaza Strip are a deplorable act of terrorism against the State of Israel and its civilian population,” Czech President Petr Pavel said in a statement

According to him, rocket attacks and the infiltration of Hamas commandos into Israel will hinder any efforts for a peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for a long time.


“The government is following developments in the situation with great concern… Special attention is being paid to the security of the Jewish community in the country,” the Italian Prime Minister’s Office said.


Kuwait expressed its deep concern over developments between Israel and Palestine, and blamed Israel for what it called a blatant attack.

United Arab Emirates

“The UAE calls on all parties to exercise restraint and immediately implement a ceasefire to avoid more serious repercussions,” the official news agency quoted the Foreign Ministry as saying.


Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned rocket launches and cross-border attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups into Israeli territory.


“We reject the planners, funders and implementers of this heinous attack. While Israel has the right to retaliate, a peaceful path to resolving this unfortunate development is urgently needed,” said Korir Sing’oei, principal secretary of Kenya’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda said the outbreak of new violence in Israel-Palestine was regrettable. “Why don’t both sides implement the Two-State Solution? What must be condemned, in particular, is the practice of targeting civilians and non-combatants by the conflicting parties,” he said.

Watch the video below:

Israeli territory bombarded with rockets from Gaza


2023-10-08 05:00:00
#Hamas #Israel #War #Gaza #Response #Russia

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