Bensheim. A joyful spectacle took place on the Third Advent in the Luxor Cinema Bensheim. The International Police Associacion (IPA) Bergstrasse from Bensheim had the idea of giving its members a special end to the year and quickly booked a large cinema hall. As at an event last year, the police association cooperated with Caritas Gernsheim and the Ried Child Protection Association.
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The group presented the Christmas comedy “Schöne Bescherung”. The cult film was offered for the symbolic price of one euro – over 300 tickets were quickly sold, according to a statement from the IPA.
“We are pleased that we have reached so many families,” David Weiser welcomed the audience on behalf of the police association and thanked Udo Neudecker and the Englert family from the Luxor Cinema for the implementation. On behalf of the Child Protection Association, Heidi Rinker thanked the many supporters who provided voluntary driving services. Stefan Fritsch emphasized on behalf of Caritas that the merger of the three associations made the charitable event possible.
“Beautiful presents” not only made the visitors laugh, but also created a warm, family atmosphere with popcorn and drinks in the cinema hall. The visitors left the cinema with beaming faces, big smiles and Christmas anticipation and thanked the initiators, who are already planning a continuation of the format. red
2023-12-19 23:24:13
#Great #cinema #families