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International Girls’ Day: Combating Everyday Sexism and Sexualized Harassment in Offenbach

(Symbolfoto: Pixabay)

Since 2011, October 11th has been firmly anchored in the calendar as a global day of action for girls. Even though all children (should) have the same rights, girls in many countries around the world still do not have the same opportunities. They are not allowed to ride bicycles, go to school, have to work at home and/or are married young. What they often have in common with European girls is their experience of violence. Physical violence such as pushing, hitting, holding, neglect or sexual violence. There are also variants such as cybergrooming (manipulation through the Internet), bullying or “catcalls”. “Catcalls” refer to casual sexist comments, humiliation, whistling or kissing noises, obscene gestures, suggestive language on the street or offensive messages on social media platforms.

Since 2020, #Catcallsofoffenbach has been campaigning for women and girls and against everyday sexism and sexualized harassment, literally chalking it up where it happens and posting the quotes. “In doing so, you give those affected a voice and don’t leave them alone. For this commitment, the Catcalls have been awarded the Sophie von La Roche Prize from the city of Offenbach in 2022, because in addition to clear laws and rules, we need exactly this visible commitment in our city,” says Mayor Dr. Felix Schwenke.

Various activities for girls and young women aged 12 to 20

For International Girls’ Day on October 11, 2023, the employees of the child and youth work department of the city of Offenbach, in cooperation with the women’s office and the Catcallsofoffenbach, are planning various activities for girls and young women aged 12 to 20. Together, the actors from the KJK Sandgasse, the media floor, the children’s and parents’ meeting, the youth bistro, the youth culture office, the Nordend girls’ floor, the Bürgel/Rumpenheim youth meeting together with the @Catcallsofoffenbach and the women’s office draw attention to the fact that girls and Even today, women still experience disadvantages and unequal treatment. For example, they are affected by verbal sexual violence much more often than boys and men.

“Those affected show physical and emotional symptoms, feel powerless and too often girls avoid public spaces and no longer move freely in public,” says the local women’s and equal opportunities representative, Dr. Inga Halwachs. “This takes away their freedom and personal freedom in a world in which everyone should have the same opportunities and opportunities.”

On October 11th, girls from the various youth centers will share their experiences together with the @Catcallsofoffenbach. From 6 p.m. there will be a disco seminar for all girls with Defend Yourself Offenbach (www.defendyourself.de; @defend_yourself_krav_maga) in the KJK Sandgasse for girls and young women aged 12 to 20. Here they learn how to defend themselves against clumsy advances and receive information, for example, about KO drops. In addition, the Songmoo-Frauenkampfkunst Offenbach eV show group, led by trainer Steph Taibi, has announced a performance (www.songmoo.de). The evening ends with a party, conversations, food, drinks and music.

(Text: PM City of Offenbach)

#Offenbach #celebrates #International #Girls #Day #Rhein #Main #Verlag

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