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International Court of Justice obliged to protect Myanmar Rohingyas NOW

Myanmar is still not doing enough to protect the Rohingyas, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Peace Palace in The Hague said Thursday in an interim assessment of the genocide case that is running against the country. The ICJ criticizes that the population group that has been suppressed for years is still at high risk.

According to the International Court of Justice, Rohingya’s are still at risk of being raped, murdered or expropriated from their country now that part of the population has returned to Myanmar.

It therefore wants guarantees from the country that the population is safe. That is why Myanmar is obliged to provide reports that show its cooperation.

The International Court of Justice has also said that a United Nations investigation points to “genocidal intentions” in the Myanmar army. It is not yet about the final judgment, but about an interim provision. That does not mean that this report or the conclusion will be fully copied.

The ICJ has authorized itself to judge the case. In doing so, the International Court of Justice relies on the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, signed by Myanmar.

Myanmar denies genocide

The country has denied that there has been genocide and states that it is military action following attacks by the oppressed Rohingyas in 2017. Myanmarese government leader Aung San Suu Kyi has traveled to The Hague to explain the country’s position.

Numerous Rohingya villages have burned down and women and children have been raped. It is estimated that between 15,000 and 25,000 Rohingyas died. The violence set off a stream of hundreds of thousands of refugees to Bangladesh.

The Gambia had asked the International Court of Justice to impose such measures because the country itself suffered from the authoritarian leader Yahya Jammeh for years. The vast majority of the population is Muslim.

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