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intermittents are mobilized to alert on their situation

This Saturday, March 20, on the market square of Blanquefort, circus artists, poets and other intermittent entertainment workers gathered to highlight their situation since the start of the health crisis.

” Air ! Air ! Air ! “. It is with these words that begins the call for mobilization launched by the National Federation of Street Arts (Fnar) for this spring weekend. A response to the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot who had declared in December that “spring is inexorable”, using the words of Pablo Neruda.

The call is national and this Saturday, March 20 in Blanquefort, supported by the municipality, five artists mobilized during the weekly market in the square of the Les Colonnes cinema. They were there to do a “little spring cleaning” and denounce the situation of intermittent entertainment since the start of the health crisis.

“We have been locked up for a year, there is no longer a job for anyone”, summarizes Luc Auriol, one of the intermittents met on the spot. The objective of this mobilization? That the government make announcements, set a date for the reopening of cultural places and that doubts be raised as to the extension of the white year for intermittent workers. Luc recalls that “the goal is to include this movement in a global struggle” which takes into account the precarious from all walks of life.

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