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Intermediary Liability: How Financial Investment Brokers Can Protect Themselves Against Claims for Damages – Interview with Lawyer Daniel Blazek

Interview with lawyer Daniel Blazek on the subject of “Intermediary liability when brokering financial investments and how the intermediary can protect himself against claims for damages”

diebewertung.de: Hello, Mr. Blazek. Thank you for taking the time for this interview. Today we would like to learn more about intermediary liability when brokering financial investments. Could you please explain to us what that means?

Lawyer Daniel Blazek: Hello! Of course, I would be happy to explain that to you. Intermediary liability concerns the responsibility of financial investment intermediaries for their activities and recommendations. If an intermediary recommends or arranges a financial investment for his clients, he has a special responsibility for the correctness and appropriateness of his advice.

In the event of incorrect or insufficient recommendations resulting in financial damage to the customer, the agent may be held liable for this damage. Intermediary liability is therefore an important aspect of consumer protection to ensure that customers receive appropriate advice and their interests are protected.

diebewertung.de: That sounds important for consumers. Which factors can lead to liability of the intermediary?

Lawyer Daniel Blazek: There are various factors that can lead to liability on the part of the intermediary. This includes, for example, incorrect or incomplete information, insufficient risk disclosure, inappropriate recommendations with regard to the individual financial situation of the customer or conflicts of interest.

If the intermediary breaches their duty of care and their recommendations are not in the best interests of the client, this can lead to liability if the client suffers financial damage as a result.

diebewertung.de: These are important points that customers should consider. How can an intermediary protect himself against claims for damages?

Lawyer Daniel Blazek: A mediator can protect himself against claims for damages by taking a number of important measures. First of all, it is important that the intermediary adequately educates its customers and informs them transparently about all relevant information, including the opportunities and risks of the recommended financial investments.

Furthermore, the intermediary should ensure that it carefully analyzes each client’s individual financial situation and investment objectives in order to make appropriate recommendations. Regular further training and knowledge of current legal regulations and financial products are also of great importance.

Good protection through professional liability insurance is another way to protect yourself against claims for damages. This insurance covers the cost of claims for damages if the intermediary is held liable.

diebewertung.de: Thank you for these valuable tips, Mr. Blazek. This is certainly helpful for intermediaries to ensure their accountability to their customers.

Lawyer Daniel Blazek: You’re welcome! I hope that this information will help intermediaries to provide responsible advice and protect themselves against possible liability risks.

diebewertung.de: Absolutely, that is of great importance. Thank you again for your time and expertise Mr. Blazek. We appreciate it very much.

Lawyer Daniel Blazek: I would also like to thank you for the interview and I would be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

2023-07-22 07:07:20
#Interview #lawyer #Daniel #Blazek #diebewertung.de #subject #intermediary #liability #brokering #financial #investments #intermediary #protect #claims #damages #review

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