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Interior Ministry instructions after Anies’ request to revoke the Ahok Governor’s Rules is returned


Governor’s Regulation 207 of 2016 relating to land use control / control without authorized permits o Governor’s Office The eviction of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) Era was returned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kemendagri) to provincial government DKI. The Interior Ministry has asked DKI to first issue a new Pergub so that there is no legal vacuum.

Request for revocation Governor’s Office The eviction of the Ahok era had previously been proposed by Anies Baswedan during his tenure as governor of the DKI. Last August, Anies said the provincial government was preparing a governor’s regulation to reverse the revocation of the old governor’s regulation.

However, they are awaiting the approval of the Ministry of the Interior. Only after that number governor’s office published.

“Now that we are doing a new regulation, there has to be a harmonization agreement with the Ministry of Interior. So the revocation of the governor’s regulation has been made, it is in progress. So we have prepared the revocation of the governor’s regulation, we are being harmonized with the Ministry of the Interior.

A similar statement was also conveyed by the then deputy governor of the DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria. There are two letters sent to the Ministry of the Interior by the provincial government of the DKI.

“We have completed two letters to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, (first) related to facilitation, then we have completed the letter on the program to form the governor’s regulation,” said the deputy governor of the DKI at that time Ahmad Riza Patria at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. , Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (4/04). 10/2022).

Riza said her party had pledged to revoke the governor’s eviction rulings before October 16, 2022. Riza initially aimed to complete the governor’s revocation request before his term expires.

“We will try. The governor has also passed on everything, correspondence, the governor’s bylaws and others that have been approved, we will finish before October 16,” he continued.

Application for restitution from the Ministry of the Interior

After a few weeks, the interior ministry decided to postpone the request for the revocation of the government regulation on evictions of the Ahok era. The reason is that the provincial government of the DKI is asked to first build a new Pergub to replace the previous regulation.

“Returned until there is a new governor’s regulation. Requests for facilitation are usually submitted, for example with notes. We will revoke the governor’s regulation, for example, it is approved.” Said the head of the Legal Department of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat, Yayan Yuhama when he met at Grand Cempaka Resort, Bogor, West Java, Thursday (3/11).

Yayan said that a new government regulation needs to be created so that there is no legal vacuum after the old government regulation is lifted. Subsequently, the new governor’s bylaws materials should contain rules relating to peace and order.

“The regulation on public order did not enter in 2023, only the results of the facilitation of Pergub 207 by the Ministry of the Interior can for now be so that there is no legal vacuum. So it cannot be revoked before, it is not is allowed as long as the materials in the Pergub are not included in the rules or regulations governing peace and order, “he said.

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