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Interior ministers want to stop hate speech in messenger services

People are often discredited through hatred and agitation on the Internet. Social networks must report illegal content to the BKA in 2022. This should also apply to messenger services.

Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of the Interior, Thomas Strobl, will chair the conference in Stuttgart. Photo: Marijan Murat / dpa (Image: dpa)
(Photo: Marijan Murat / dpa)

Stuttgart – The interior ministers of the federal states want to make providers of messenger services such as Telegram more responsible in the fight against hatred and agitation.

From next year, providers of social networks will have to report illegal content to the Federal Criminal Police Office – but not messenger services, as the chairman of the conference of interior ministers, Thomas Strobl (CDU), said of the dpa on the sidelines of the conference of interior ministers.

“But there, too, hatred and agitation are a massive problem, they achieve a high reach,” he explained. No unlawful areas should arise there. The interior ministers had agreed that an adjustment had to be made here urgently.

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