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Interest in buying a home in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants increases in the de-escalation – idealista / news

The confinement and the increase of telework in Spain have caused changes in the interests of the demand for housing, generating an increasing interest in housing in towns with less than 5,000 inhabitants. In January, 10.1% of searches for homes for sale that were carried out in idealista were for municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, while in June that percentage increased to 13.2% of the total.

By Communities, only the Balearic Islands register a reduction in interest in smaller populations (it goes from 11.4% in January to 11.1% in June) and in all the others the appetite for demand for this type of municipalities has grown. Castilla y León is where this interest has grown the most in the first semester, going from 23.7% of searches in January to 33.7% in June. They are followed by the communities of Navarra (from 18.1% to 26.6%), Castilla-La Mancha (from 35.5% to 43.4%) and La Rioja (from 20% to 26%). In Madrid they grew from 3.7% to 6.2%, while in Catalonia they grew from 9.7% to 11.9%.

Castilla-La Mancha is the region in which the weight of searches in towns with less than 5,000 inhabitants over the total is greater, since 43.4% of all of them are produced in those towns. They are followed by Cantabria (39.1% of the total), Castilla y León (33.7%), Extremadura (29.3%), Navarra (26.6%) and La Rioja (26%). On the contrary, the Canary Islands is the community in which this type of municipalities generate the least interest (3.2%), followed by Madrid (6.2%), Andalusia (9.9%) and Asturias (10.3

% searches in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants out of the total Autonomous Communities
CCAA ene-20 jun-20 Difference (percentage points)
Andalusia 9,1% 9,9% 0,8 pp
Aragon 15,3% 18,9% 3,5 pp
Asturias 7,5% 10,3% 2,7 pp
Baleares 11,4% 11,1% -0,3 pp
Cantabria 34,8% 39,1% 4,3 pp
Castile and Leon 23,7% 33,7% 10,0 pp
Castilla la Mancha 35,5% 43,4% 7,8 pp
Catalonia 9,7% 11,9% 2,2 pp
Valencian Community 8,9% 11,3% 2,4 pp
Basque Country 7,4% 11,5% 4,2 pp
Estremadura 23,9% 29,3% 5,4 pp
Galicia 9,6% 12,7% 3,1 pp
The Rioja 20,0% 26,0% 6,0 pp
Madrid 3,7% 6,2% 2,5 pp
Madrid 2,9% 3,2% 0,3 pp
Murcia 7,5% 11,8% 4,3 pp
Navarra 18,1% 26,6% 8,5 pp
Spain 10,1% 13,2% 3,1 pp


Regarding the provinces, in addition to the Balearic Islands, interest in small towns decreased in Girona, Seville and Tarragona, while in all the others it continued to grow. The greatest increase has occurred in Ávila (from 52.1% to 63.5%), Burgos (from 22.9% to 33.8%), Cuenca (from 42.3% to 53.1%) and Álava (from 13.2% to 23.5%). In Barcelona they went from 4.7% in January to 6.5% in June.

Ávila is also the province with the highest interest in these towns (63.5% of the total searches), followed by Segovia (58.3%), Teruel (56.8%), Toledo (53.7% ), Cuenca (53.1%) and Huesca (52.6%). The provinces of Guadalajara (49.2%), Cáceres (41.7%) and Soria (40.7%) are also above 40%. At the opposite extreme is the province of Las Palmas where only 0.9% of searches occur in this type of municipality, followed by Guipúzcoa (4.1%), Seville (4.5%) and Cádiz (5, 5%).

% searches in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants out of the total province
province ene-20 jun-20 Difference (percentage points)
A coruña 6,1% 7,8% 1,8 pp
Álava / Araba 13,2% 23,5% 10,3 pp
Albacete 11,9% 15,5% 3,7 pp
Alicante / Alacant 7,3% 8,2% 0,9 pp
Almeria 9,4% 10,7% 1,4 pp
Asturias 7,5% 10,3% 2,7 pp
Ávila 52,1% 63,5% 11,4 pp
Badajoz 15,5% 19,3% 3,7 pp
Baleares 11,4% 11,1% -0,3 pp
Barcelona 4,7% 6,5% 1,9 pp
Bizkaia / Vizcaya 7,9% 12,5% 4,6 pp
Burgos 22,9% 33,8% 10,9 pp
Cáceres 33,7% 41,7% 8,0 pp
Cádiz 4,8% 5,5% 0,7 pp
Cantabria 34,8% 39,1% 4,3 pp
Castellón / Castelló 14,2% 14,9% 0,7 pp
Real city 12,3% 14,4% 2,2 pp
Córdoba 6,9% 10,2% 3,3 pp
Cuenca 42,3% 53,1% 10,8 pp
Gipuzkoa / Guipúzcoa 3,3% 4,1% 0,8 pp
Girona 26,1% 25,0% -1,1 pp
Granada 19,5% 21,6% 2,1 pp
Guadalajara 41,4% 49,2% 7,8 pp
Huelva 32,6% 35,0% 2,5 pp
Huesca 50,2% 52,6% 2,5 pp
Jaén 11,8% 14,0% 2,2 pp
The Rioja 20,0% 26,0% 6,0 pp
Las Palmas 0,6% 0,9% 0,3 pp
Lion 21,0% 27,1% 6,1 pp
Lleida 38,2% 39,6% 1,4 pp
Lugo 20,1% 26,7% 6,6 pp
Madrid 3,7% 6,2% 2,5 pp
Málaga 6,1% 6,7% 0,6 pp
Murcia 7,5% 11,8% 4,3 pp
Navarra 18,1% 26,6% 8,5 pp
Ourense 27,2% 35,1% 7,9 pp
Palencia 20,8% 30,3% 9,5 pp
Pontevedra 7,6% 9,5% 1,9 pp
Salamanca 14,1% 21,5% 7,4 pp
Santa Cruz of Tenerife 5,9% 6,1% 0,2 pp
Segovia 49,4% 58,3% 8,8 pp
Sevilla 5,6% 4,5% -1,1 pp
Soria 34,7% 40,7% 6,0 pp
Tarragona 22,2% 21,2% -1,0 pp
Teruel 50,3% 56,8% 6,5 pp
Toledo 45,8% 53,7% 7,8 pp
Valencia / Valencia 9,4% 13,2% 3,9 pp
Valladolid 11,0% 18,4% 7,3 pp
Zamora 24,8% 32,9% 8,1 pp
Zaragoza 6,3% 9,6% 3,3 pp

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