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Interactive graphics: This is how an intensive care bed works

If corona patients are doing very badly, they need to be transferred to the intensive care unit and ventilated. But how does it work? This graphic explains the system.

The corona virus has spread everywhere. One of the main concerns: Is there enough treatment capacity in hospitals? Especially for people who develop Covid-19, one question is particularly important: what happens if I feel very bad and need ventilation, is there enough space?

At the beginning of the corona crisis, it was often not clear in which regions and hospitals there were still free beds. Now, since mid-April, all German clinics with intensive care beds have to register. “We have finally achieved a reliable overview of all intensive care capacities in Germany,” said Professor Uwe Janssens, President of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) during the launch. DIVI operates the portal together with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the German Hospital Society.

There is still capacity in Würzburg

The number of free intensive care beds in Bavaria changes daily in the statistics. A total of 28 intensive care beds are available in the Würzburg Mitte clinic at the two locations, Juliusspital and Missioklinik. In an emergency, they can be expanded.

But how does such a system work that can save the lives of the most seriously ill? Christine Beyer, deputy nursing director of the clinic, explains how an intensive care bed works.

Click on the blue symbols to learn about the functions of the intensive care bed. If information cannot be opened, simply click and hold the blue icon.

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