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Inter-departmental by teams: Chaumont and Langres at the top during the first day

The first day of the inter-departmental team championships, Saturday March 4, at the Lemouton gymnasium in Chaumont, smiled on the teams from La Chaumontaise and the Club gymnique langrois who won five podiums including a title, for the Chaumontaises. Well done ladies!

The organization of the first day of the inter-departmental team championships, at the Lemouton gymnasium in Chaumont, Saturday March 4, was so perfect that the afternoon podiums took place before the scheduled time. . The many spectators present throughout the day to admire and encourage the gymnasts from Haute-Marne, Aube, Marne and the Ardennes, would not have missed the winners for anything in the world, happy to immortalize the moment.

A title for La Chaumontaise

They were already there in numbers at the end of the morning, for a first salvo of results. And it is clear that at home, La Chaumontaise struck a blow. Indeed, in Federal At 10-11 years old, the daughters of Marie Maréchal and Gaëlle Collin monopolized the first two places! Angela Ambrosini, Naomy Lombard, Marilou Rottier and Célya Sciaux Bourgis are champions, ahead of their club mates, namely Nina Ansel, Léonie Marchand, Elsa Polgan and Lisa Renaudin. Something to delight Gaëlle Collin. “There is a good cohesion. Even if the teams are different, they are very, very united. »

Beyond the prize list, synonymous with qualifications for the Regionals of Longwy, on April 15 and 16, what Gaëlle Collin appreciated were “Big progress for all the girls on bars. That’s what makes the difference. Before, that was not the case. A girl also did a novelty on the ground, with a roundoff, a flip and a back slato. The work paid off. » Just look at the points to be convinced. “Both teams have increased the total points compared to the Departmentals”adds, satisfied, Gaëlle Collin. “Team “2” increased their total by eight points and team “1” by one point. »

But like all coaches, whatever the discipline, there are always things to work on. “Of the eight girls, only one didn’t fall. This is where we need to improve for the Regionals. »

The Chaumontaises, in Federal A 12-15 years, were not left out, climbing on the third step of the podium. “The podium was the goal”said also satisfied Amandine Bernard, the coach of Lola Marchand, Mélissa Polgan, Théa Will and Emma Cardoso. “I’m very happy with the beam. Experience sets in, with three out of four girls not falling. On the ground, reception begins to improve. » Direction Longwy for the Regionals. But before that, there is still work. “There are always! »answers Amandine Bernard. “There were a few fouls and mistakes. There are small things to fix. The Regionals are something else. It’s good that the girls are up against others who have more training, more experience, it gives even more motivation to do better. »

Two podiums for the Langroises

As for the podiums, the Langroises were not to be outdone, with a second place in Federal A 14 years and over and a third place in Federal A 10-13 years.

“For girls aged 14 and over, there were few falls”declares Franck Lecomte, the Langrois coach, happy with the performances of Ines Dos Santos, Rebeka Huin, Fleur Krezoch, Lalou-Cerise Labrousse and Maëlys Yildiz. “The girls get along well and encourage each other. » See you on April 15 and 16 in Longwy. They will be accompanied by their comrades Maïa Blanchot, Mallaurie Jaëgle, Lola Odin, Augustine Poinsot and Lilou Vortemann Oblinger, 3e in Federal At 10-13 years. “That was the goal”recognizes Franck Lecomte. “I am happy with their performance. We finished three points from the title… This bodes well for Longwy. The hard work pays off for all three teams, even if it’s not perfect. »

In Federal At 14 and over, the Langrois gymnasium club finished second and will go to the Regionals in Longwy,
April 15 and 16. (Photo: Y. Tainturier)

The Bragardes increase their points total

RSB Saint-Dizier was the third Haute-Marne club present. If the two teams finished far from the podium, it should nevertheless be noted that the two formations increased the total number of points compared to the Departmental, in January, also in Chaumont.

The bragard club will be present again this Sunday, from 8:30 a.m., for the second day.

A day that we must hope is as good as the first for the Haut-Marnaise teams, whether in artistic gymnastics or teamgym. Go girls !

Yves Tainturier


Federal At 10-11 years old: 1. La Chaumontaise “1” (A. Ambosini, N. Lombard, M. Rottier, C. Sciaux Bourgis) 119,452 points ; 2. La Chaumontaise “2” (N. Ansel, L. Marchand, E. Polgan, L. Renaudin) 116,719 pts ; 3. Chalons-en-Champagne 112,903 pts…
Federal At 10-13 years old: 1. Nouzonville 138,969 points ; 2. Saint-André-les-Vergers 135.170 pts; 3. Langrois Gymnastics Club (M. Blanchot, M. Jaëgle, L. Odin, A. Poinsot, L. Vortemann Oblinger) 133,985 pts… 10. RSB Saint-Dizier (M. Demarez, A. Hermand, A. Hinderschiett, J. Imize) 99,804 pts…
Federal At 12-15 years old: 1. Given 141,338 points; 2. Sedan 133,103 pts ; 3. La Chaumontaise (L. Marchand, M. Polgan, T. Will, E. Cardoso) 127,404 pts… ; 8. Langrois Gymnastics Club (M. Bouly, S. Roussel, L. Sturni,
L. Garzino)
110,371 pts
Federal At 14 and over: 1. Given 145,753 points; 2. Langrois Gymnastics Club (I. Dos Santos, R. Huin, F. Krezoch, LC. Labrousse, M. Yildiz) 142,620 pts ; 3. Epernay 139, 420 pts…
Federal At 10 years and over: 1. Given 144,036 points; 2. Aÿ 141,302 pts ; 3. Mardeuil 128,485 pts…. ; 10. RSB Saint-Dizier (Y. Benaissa, C. Leger, L. Permot, I. Rollin, E. Varinot) 82,952 pts
Federal At 10-15 years: 1. Epernay 176,500 points; 2. Troyes 126,250 pts
Federal At 10-12 years old: 1. Troyes 138,350 points ; 2. Sedan 119,150 pts ; 3. Chalons-en-Champagne 109,100 pts
Federal At 12 and over: 1. Epernay 189,550 points; 2. Chalons-en-Champagne 180,200 pts; 3. Troyes 177,950 pts.

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