Home » today » Sport » Inter capital gains, investigation for false accounting. Investigations on Milan, excluding irregularities – Corriere.it

Inter capital gains, investigation for false accounting. Investigations on Milan, excluding irregularities – Corriere.it

from Luigi Ferrarella and Giuseppe Guastella

The prosecutor opens an investigation against unknown persons. Searches at the Inter headquarters: suspicions on the contracts of a dozen players, 2017-2019 budgets in the sights. The hypothesis: Values ​​inflated to respect the parameters of financial fair play. After the first checks, irregularities in AC Milan’s sales were ruled out

Inter ends up in the sights of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office for capital gains realized in the sale of footballers in an investigation against unknown persons which assumes the crime of false corporate communications (i.e. irregularities in the representation of the financial statements), that is without suspects, which initially also concerned Milan, in respect of which, however, no hypothesis of irregularities emerged immediately after the first investigations.

After the Juventus case

After the investigation launched by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office on Juventus’ capital gains, the magistrates of Milan have put under observation those declared by Inter and Milan in the financial statements 2017/2028 and 2018/2019. On December 9, the Yellow Flames of the Guardia di Finanza broadcast a disclosure to the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office highlighting some critical issues in Inter’s financial statements in relation to operations linked to a dozen non-top-level players and today, on the order of the deputy prosecutor Giovanni Polizzi, who opened the investigation coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli, they knocked on the door of the Inter headquarters and the Serie A League to acquire the documentation on all the capital gains declared in the two financial statements.

The overrated values

The hypothesis, still to be proved, on which the investigators work the value of the registration rights of the players sold has been overestimated compared to the price at which the same players had been purchased, with the consequence of significantly increasing the revenue item and, consequently, reducing that of losses. In one of the two years, underlines an investigator, it would have reached 10%, a level which he evidently considered alarming. As stated in the order of presentation of documents notified by the Guardia di Finanza to Inter and the National Professional League, to which the clubs deposit the players’ contracts, in this way a Window dressing operation would have been carried out. That would have altered the balance sheets giving a better representation of the conditions of the company in order to respect the parameters of financial fair play required by UEFA for registration to football championships. All this, however, will have to pass the evaluation of the prosecutor Polizzi and the adjunct Romanelli who will have to ascertain whether crimes have been committed and possibly by whom.

The movements of money

In fact, the Prosecutor’s Office urges caution on a very complex subject in which there is no scientific criterion, so to speak, to establish how much a player is worth, because this value is linked to objective elements, such as the generally recognized quality of the athlete. , but also subjective, which depend on the player’s form or injuries, or even external, such as the use in competitions decided by the coaches. Among the computer and paper documentation that has been requested and already obtained – the investigators highlight the extremely collaborative attitude of Inter and the Lega – in addition to balance sheets and contracts, there are also bank money movements to perfect the steps and everything related to negotiations, including those with the agents of individual players.

The file on Ramadani

This new investigation file is added to the one opened by the Milanese magistrates in the past few weeks alleged tax fraud charged to the Macedonian prosecutor Fali Abdilgafar Ramadani, one of the major agents in the world of football, in relation to the non-payment in Italy of taxes on profits made in the sale of footballers and for which the Finance has acquired many deeds in the offices of eleven Serie A and B football clubs.


December 21, 2021 (change December 21, 2021 | 16:22)

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