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Intensified Vaccination Campaign against Paresian Rabies in Chilecito

Vaccination against rabies paresiente intensified

The secretary of Production and Environment of the municipality of Chilecito, engineer Pablo Nasif, accompanied SENASA professionals in the work of combating the proliferation of paresian rabies that was found, days ago, in one of the districts of the department.

This is how the Head of paresian rabies, Gabriel Russo, gave details of the task being carried out by saying: “we work together with the municipality of Chilecito, we are intensifying vaccination in animals, as the main source of transmission of this disease” and explained that “it is an epidemic and recurring disease caused by the rabies virus transmitted by the common vampire Desmodus rotundus, which mainly affects cattle, horses, less frequently other domestic species, man and some wild animals” .

In animals, rabies is diagnosed using the direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) stain test, which looks for rabies viral antigens in brain tissue. Referring to vaccination, Russo assured that “it can be carried out by the producer and must be carried out with vaccines approved by SENASA, vaccinating the prime-vaccinated between 30 and 60 days after the first dose.”

“All cattle should be vaccinated every year, since rabies is a zoonotic virus that can be prevented by administering a vaccine. It affects the nervous system and, once clinical symptoms appear, is fatal in virtually all cases. In up to 99% of human cases, the virus is transmitted by domestic dogs,” said the specialist.

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