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Intensification of the conflict in the Middle East arouses international concern: South American leaders condemn attack on Israel

Last Saturday, a series of attacks by the Palestinian group Hamas were reported in different sectors of southern Israel. These attacks prompted an immediate response from Israel, leading to a rapid escalation of violence in the region. The clashes have left both nations in chaos and despair, with a high number of fatalities and thousands of injuries, many of them innocent civilians trapped in the violence.

International Rejection and Calls for Peace

The international community has unanimously condemned these acts of violence and urged both sides to end hostilities. Various international figures have expressed their concern and have called for work towards a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict.

The Chilean government, headed by President Boric, expressed its “absolute condemnation” of the attacks and called for a “cessation of inappropriate violence.” This position was supported by other South American leaders, who urged the international community to immediately resume negotiations leading to a solution to the conflict and to establish a “peace dialogue.”

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, called for comprehensive recognition of the Palestinian State and for seeking a solution that ends the Israeli occupation of Palestine. For his part, the Brazilian president, Lula da Silva, was “dismayed” by the attacks on civilians in Israel and reaffirmed his rejection of terrorism in all its forms. He called on the international community to work towards the resumption of negotiations and to ensure the existence of an economically viable Palestinian state that coexists peacefully with Israel within secure borders for both sides.

A call for peace and solidarity

The intensification of the conflict in the Middle East is a cause of serious concern globally. The international community urgently calls on both parties to stop the violence and return to the path towards a peaceful solution. In an increasingly interconnected world, peace in the Middle East is essential for the stability and security of the entire planet. The search for peace and solidarity are values ​​that must prevail in the midst of adversity, and it is the responsibility of the international community to work tirelessly to achieve a cessation of hostilities and a just and lasting solution to the conflict in the region.

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