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Intel: 5 thousand hires in Italy with new plant

Thousands of new hires are on the way with Intel in Italy thanks to the opening of a new plant for back-end production.

This is a chip making factory and will create well 5 thousand direct and related jobs.

Here is all the information about Intel hires that can be made e how to apply.


The news was released by the company itself, through a recent press release. The note announces the investment program in Europe for the next decade, which also includes the opening of a back-end manufacturing facility at the forefront in Italy.

Of the 80 billion euros to be invested in the EU provided for by the business plan, in fact, up to 4.5 billion euros can be allocated to the construction of a factory to produce semiconductors on the national territory. The idea is to open the first facility of this type in Europe, with new and innovative technologies. The company currently is in negotiation for the new opening.

The initiative will have an important impact in terms of employment. Specifically, the new plant, which will be built between 2025 and 2027, will be able to create jobs for 5 thousand resources. Part of it will be direct Intel hires, for a total of 1,500 units. Other 3,500 job opportunities instead, they will be generated by the induced. Also in Italy, Intel also expects further growth opportunities thanks to the forecast acquisition of Tower Semiconductoran Israeli semiconductor company that has a patrnership with STMicroelectronics, a company that owns a factory in Agrate Brianza.


Intel Corporation is a US multinational company that manufactures semiconductor devices, microprocessors, network components, motherboard chipsets (motherboard), video card chips and integrated circuits. Founded in 1968, it has its headquarters in California, in Santa Clara, and is listed on the NASDAQ. The company is also present in our country, where it operates through Intel Corporation Italia SpA.


Those interested in Intel’s future hires in Italy in the new back-end manufacturing facility they have to wait the realization of the project. Generally the Group collects applications through the page dedicated to the careers (Work with us) of the corporate web portal. From the same it is possible to find out all the active Intel job offers and apply to those of interest, by sending the CV using the appropriate form.

To know also other interesting job opportunities you can visit the our page dedicated to hiring companies.

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