From 05 to 07 July 2023, it was held in Ziniaré, in the Plateau-Central, on 3e workshop on the process of integrating the social and financial education program into the curricula in Burkina Faso.
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As part of the operationalization of the activities of the project Promotion of girls’ access to a quality education and vocational training system in the Sahel, North, East and Center-North regions of Burkina Faso ( PROMESSE-FP), it is planned to organize orientation workshops and to integrate financial education into formal and non-formal education curricula during the duration of the project.
The ultimate objective is to arrive at the end of the project at the integration of financial education in the teaching programs in Burkina Faso.

Ce 3e workshop of this integration process, according to Assane Dramane Sankara, Executive Secretary of the Consultation Framework of Associations and NGOs active in the field of basic education in Burkina Faso (CCEB-BF), was held with technicians, teachers with the objective of making proposals on how to integrate social and financial education into classes in Burkina Faso.
Coming out of the studio, “We are going to be able to meet the management of the quality of education at the level of the MENAPLN to present what we have as content in order to be able to contribute. At the end of that, we will see how to do it, develop guides for teachers, manuals for children and experiment in classrooms »he said.

Abdou Kirakoya, participant, welcomed the topic addressed in the sense that it could allow learners to have skills in this area. “When you look at the content of the workshop, which consists of thinking about the inclusion of social and financial education, you have to say that it’s huge. The life of every person and of our learners is manifested on the ground by the quality of social assistance and the capacity to manage oneself financially. It must be said that the theme is more than important in terms of insertion into the programs so that our learners can come out with skills in this area”did he declare.
One of the lessons to be taught to children, according to Félix Yao Kouassi, master trainer at Aflatoun international, will concern the construction of the child’s personality. “We will also give them the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to know their person, their family, their country and develop a love of the country”, he added. With regard to financial education, it will be a question from “the psychology of money, the relationship with money, savings and the business plan”.
Djemal Saddam El Abdallah SIBA
Burkina 24

2023-07-08 09:12:06
#PROMESSEFP #project #integration #social #financial #education #program #curricula