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Intef in Darmstadt shows large posters and small stamps in dialogue

  • OfJens Joachim

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An exhibition at the Institute for New Technical Form on the Friedensplatz in Darmstadt juxtaposes works by graphic designer Christof Gassner.

He is a man of quiet and deliberate tones, but an artist with enormous typographic expressiveness: that Institute for New Technical Form (Intef) is dedicated to Graphic designer Christof Gassner an exhibition in which large and small-format works – posters and postage stamps – are juxtaposed.

Intef in Darmstadt shows posters and postage stamps

Visitors who visit the honeycomb-like building next to Darmstadt Castle should make the effort, not just the big ones Posters to look at, but also to bend down a little to discover the associations with the small jagged gems.

The one designed by Gassner Poster for the exhibition unites the Swiss cross and the German national colors on a red background. The symbiotic motif of the flags looks like one at the same time Stampbecause Gassner, born in Zurich in 1941, designed the edges with jagged edges.

Darmstadt: Show in the Intef with works by Christof Gassner

To the Graphic artist Gassner was trained at the arts and crafts school in his hometown. He has lived in Germany since the 1960s. After working in industry and for publishing houses, he opened in Frankfurt his graphic design studio. Today Gassner lives in the Kaisermühle in Darmstadt-Eberstadt. His work focuses on typography, editorial and corporate design, book, poster and stamp design.

Between 1986 and 2006 Gassner was as Professor of Typography and Graphic Design initially at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, later at the Kassel University of Art and also as a guest lecturer in China.

Intef Darmstadt: Posters and stamps enter into a dialogue

In the exhibition kick the Postersthat Gassner has designed since 1960 with those designed over the past three decades Postage stamps into a dialogue. This is how the Stamp “50 years of the Basic Law – human dignity is inviolable” the one designed with different colored letters Poster “All human rights for all” juxtaposed with Unesco.

In this way the show presents 40 Discourses between different contents and forms. The big ones Poster and small Postage stamps also tell about historical, social or cultural events.

Gassner was co-founder of the art director of the magazine “Öko-Test”

The exhibition on the one hand with one review on Gassner’s work from the 1960s in Zurich and for Braun AG in Frankfurt. On the other hand, Gassner’s penchant for ecological projects is illustrated using the example of the unmistakable Design of the magazine “Öko-Test” clearly, which he shaped as Art Director from 1985 to 1990.

And to this day Gassner’s expressive handwriting is for those living in the Taunus Firma Canton to recognize, for whose visual appearance he was responsible between 1974 and 1995.

The exhibition “Zeitlaufte – Stamps and posters by Christof Gassner can be viewed Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. with free admission at Intef, Friedensplatz 11, until August 29th. On July 7, 21 and 28, Christof Gassner will be giving a tour of the exhibition himself from 3:30 p.m. Registration by phone 06151/480 08 requested. More information at www.intef.info

A 96-page catalog has been published for the exhibition “Zeitlaufte – Stamps und Plakate von Christof Gassner”, which costs 20 euros and is available on the Internet.

© Jens Joachim

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