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Insurer: 9 employees suffer in an accident at work every working day – in Latvia

According to the State Labor Inspectorate (SLI), the total number of victims of accidents at work has increased by 31% in the last five years, and one employee suffers from an accident at work every hour.

According to the analysis of the number of victims of SLI workplaces by sectors, in 2019 the sectors with the largest number of victims remained manufacturing, transport and storage, trade, construction, health and social care. Although the number of days of incapacity for work due to an injury at work has doubled in the last five years, reaching 23,961 last year, a relatively small proportion of employers still think of an “airbag” – accident insurance for employees.

“Analyzing the data on the number of victims of accidents at work, we conclude that it has a tendency to increase and in 2020 the trend will unfortunately continue. Every month, we receive an average of 18 applications for workplace injuries, which have been applied for compensation with the SLI report on the incident. However, this is only the visible part of the iceberg – there is also the so-called “hidden work injuries”, where in the interests of the employer the victim reports a workplace injury as a domestic injury, ”says Ludmila Ščegoļeva, BALTA Personal Products Manager and Risk Signer. employers should be the number one priority when performing work responsibilities in the workplace.

According to the SLI data, in 2019, a total of 2272 employees were injured in accidents in Latvia, including 226 employees who suffered serious health problems and 29 employees died. Compared to 2018, the number of seriously injured has increased by 8%, while the number of fatalities has decreased by 3%.

In 2019, as before, men were more often injured in accidents at work – 66%, according to the SLI data.

Ārija Matisone, Senior Expert of the SLI Labor Protection Division, points out: “Given that the number of accidents at work is not decreasing, the SLI annually conducts both preventive inspections of companies in the field of labor protection and regularly organizes thematic inspections. For example, in 2020, a thematic inspection of companies in the wood processing sector was already organized, as well as a thematic inspection in the construction sector is currently underway. One of the goals of inspections is to improve the working environment of companies, the correct use of work equipment. The SLI regularly collects and analyzes data on accidents at work in previous years, their causes, work environment, proper application of relevant personal protective equipment, employee training, and safe working methods. These data are analyzed and compiled by industry and region. The aim of preventive labor protection measures is to improve the working environment and reduce the number of accidents at work, as well as to promote the awareness of both employers and employees about the importance of working in an orderly and safe work environment. Preventive action to improve working conditions in good time can reduce the risk of serious injuries to workers, which can lead to irreversible health problems in the long term and shorten working lives. ”

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