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Insufficient Number of Bone Marrow Donors in Peru: Ministry of Health Urges Registration

The General Directorate of Donations, Transplants and Blood Bank (Digdot) of the Minsa, has 81,839 potential bone marrow donors, to date.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) emphasizes that all people can be potential bone marrow donors and to do so it is enough to register in the National Registry of Potential Unrelated Donors of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (ReD-CPH). As is remembered, every third Saturday in September is commemorated as World Bone Marrow Donor Day.

The registry, which is in charge of the General Directorate of Donations, Transplants and Blood Bank (Digdot) of the Minsa, has 81,839 potential bone marrow donors, to date. This amount is insufficient to meet the demand for hematopoietic progenitor cell donors.

And in Peru, every year around 2,500 patients are diagnosed with some hematological disease. Of this total, approximately 600 patients will receive the indication for a bone marrow transplant. Of them, only 20% will be able to access a transplant thanks to a compatible family member, while the remaining 80%, not having a compatible family member, will need an unrelated donor.

To be a bone marrow donor you must be between 18 and 40 years old, weigh more than 50 kilograms and be in good health. The person must go to a Blood Bank, authorize the collection of an oral swab sample and sign an informed consent. If everything is satisfactory, you will enter the ReD-CPH.

According to Digdot, in 2022, 313 bone marrow transplants were performed and so far in 2023, 199.

To achieve bone marrow transplants between unrelated people, it is essential to increase the number of potential donors in the ReD-CPH.

2023-09-16 23:46:59
#potential #donors #Caretas

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