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Instructions for the fertilization signaling workshop v4 – El Bosque University.

El Bosque University. Faculty of Medicine. Medicine Program.


Biologina del desarrollo

Taller de señalizacifromn en la fertilizacifromn

Prepared byr: Carlos Castro Rojas


Objective of APperformance

Describe lthe biochemical eventsthose associated with the process ofand fertilization and the importance of cada

one of them.

Leverage he job group for meet consensus regard a las answers mwings complete,

exact and clear to each pworkshop item.


In los groups of job previously establecido for las practices of laboratories him/hers

students they will have to prepare he taller, finding solution a each a of las questions of the same

a leave of the consultation de the bibliography recomendada y of Others fuentes what dutysentence to be

properly referencethe. He document final no shall to be mayor a tres leaves y what

must include the respective names of everythings lo(a)s students, the date and a tperson

what noted: taller of signaling in the fertilizationfrom the, asin as the solutionfrom the a las

questions advisors y the rexpectation bibliography. Y It is, dutyon to be loaded in he

space respective in he aula virtual en Format pdf. Solo to beon evarental and

group workshop.

Guiding questions:

1. Medianthe he analysiss of are function y of lo reportado by the literature they explain what

consequence tweird for the hopematozoide a mushe saidon with effdeleterious actfor protein

CatSuper and what a paperIt also meets the pH in the acC activityatI hope (valley 2.5 points).

2. Explain el paper what fulfills the progesterthen in he process of cappeasement of the

spermatozoon y sand partcipassion in the processation of fertilization. (ok 2.5 points).

Bibliography reordered

Georgadaki, K., Khoury, N., Spandidos, D. A., & Wouldmpourlis, V. (2016). The molecular basis of

fertilization. Internationalal journal of molecular medicine, 38(4), 979-986.

All other sources for consultation necessary to give a solutionn to the questionnaire. Keep in mind account

This bibliography is provided to justifyfor the answers. The inclusion of bibliography additional as backup

to the answerss will be taken into account positivelymind in the evaluationfrom the from the workshop.

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