10:00 p.m., March 27, 2021
Decompartmentalize a system that still functions too much in silos: this is one of the wishes of the Institut Montaigne, which, in “Health sector, let’s win the race for innovation”, a note published on Sunday, points out the shortcomings but also the advantages of the French model. Shortage of masks, supply difficulties, delays in the development of a vaccine against Covid-19 … For the two authors, Thomas Buberl, CEO of Axa, and Bernard Charlès, CEO of Dassault Systèmes, the pandemic reveals “the absence of strategic vision and management”. However, the sector represents 12% of the GDP, 300 billion euros and 2.1 million jobs.
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Twelve proposals
And health is among the first concerns of citizens. To consolidate this giant with feet of clay, the two leaders advocate an overhaul of governance in order to make it more readable, by involving users and manufacturers. “The system is too administered and not agile enough, deplores Bernard Charlès. We must stop opposing health and the economy, and build new alliances between public and private.” “We must act quickly and move from a managing state to a guarantor state”, adds Thomas Buberl.
We must stop opposing health and economy
To achieve this, the liberal institute makes twelve proposals, including the creation of a State Secretariat responsible for the development of the health sector and the reorganization of the administration. It is up to him to develop a major dialogue conference “in order to co-construct the prospective vision of health issues in France”, somewhat on the model of the citizens’ convention for the climate. “The missions of the Ministry of Health seem to be essentially focused on the organization of care, in particular hospital care, but not enough on supporting economic players”, regret the authors.
Develop a logic of bonus-malus
The institute also pleads for greater territorialization of modes of action and forums for dialogue. “The creation of local hubs associating all the actors of innovation is essential”, suggests Thomas Buberl.
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Another idea that may cause controversy: transform health insurance into “health” insurance. “It is not a question of questioning its foundations, which offer the French one of the most successful health systems in the world, defends the CEO of Axa. But on the contrary to ensure its sustainability by integrating the challenges prevention in its missions. ” Clearly, develop a logic of bonus-malus according to individual behavior (smoking, sport or not, etc.). Ideas which, one year before the presidential election, will fuel the public debate.