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Instead of bits and bytes – IT company plants “forest of the future”

The “forest of the future” is getting new trees. Employees of an IT company plant a forest near Freudenstadt. Everyone helps – from trainees to board members.

The IT company DATAGROUP from Pliezhausen (Reutlingen district) is planting a climate-resistant “forest of the future” with Forst Baden Württemberg (ForstBW). Employees from both companies are clearing a forest near Freudenstadt, planting new trees and want to create a resilient mixed forest. The background is the IT service provider’s 40th anniversary last year.

IT company wants to promote sustainability

For its milestone anniversary in 2023, the company announced that it wanted to create a “forest of the future” in the Black Forest. The plan is now becoming reality. But the planting campaign was preceded by a year in which the employees were able to collect sustainability points. Points were awarded, among other things, for eating vegetarian instead of meat in the cafeteria. Those who came to work by bike instead of by car also collected points. And those who volunteered were also rewarded. For ten points you got a tree. A total of 5,675 trees came together.

Trainees clear forests, managers plant trees

The majority of the trees are now being planted. But not all: In the event that the weather or other difficulties cost the lives of a few plants, new trees are planted in the affected areas. The first generation of these young plants is set up by young managers and later also by board members of the company. But only when trainees have cleaned up the forest, i.e. sorted old wood and taken it out. A mixed forest will then be created on the open areas.

Wooden gates are intended to protect the young trees that employees of the IT company plant. For example, from deer, who would otherwise nibble off the buds. SWR

Ingemar Koerner

Climate-resilient and resilient forest of the future

Although the Black Forest is known for its conifers, mainly deciduous trees grow in four areas covering a total area of ​​one hectare: for example Douglas firs, chestnuts, linden trees and oaks.

There is harmony in diversity.

Because only if the forest is diverse is it sustainable, says Reiner Brechenmacher from ForstBW. Otherwise it would be very susceptible to vermin. And if a few trees don’t make it, foresters and IT specialists will replant them.

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