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Instead of being cured, a cold cough actually gets worse if you consume these 5 types of food and drink – All Pages


Coughs and colds can get worse if we eat the wrong foods and drinks.

GridHEALTH.idCough and cold often happens when we are attacked viral infection in the nose, throat and sinuses.

Described page Mayo Clinic (13/6/2020), that when cough and cold occurs usually mucus will appear in the throat and nose as a form of defense.

This mucus is an important substance produced by the body to protect itself from viruses and bacteria.

Mucus also contains proteins and special antibodies to fight germs.

The body actually produces a lot of mucus, even though our body is not sick, because its function is to keep some parts of the body from drying out.

Such as in the mouth, nose and sinus areas, as well as in some tissue walls.

They also generally get better and go away on their own when the body’s immune system is able to fight off the infection that causes illness

However cough and cold it can actually get worse when we consume food and drinks reckless.

Reported from the Firspost page (13/2/2020), avoid consuming 5 types food and drinks the following is why it can make cough and cold experienced is getting worse.

Also Read: 4 things that make colds worse, one of them is instant food

1. Gula

Do we like sweet tea, candy, chocolate, and other sweet foods and drinks that contain sugar?

Launching Firstpost, it’s better to avoid this habit when you have coughs and colds, because sugar can make these conditions worse.

According to research published in Frontiers in Immonulogy in 2017, increasing sugar intake can suppress the immune system, especially when fighting viral infections.

This applies to the common cold. So, as much as possible avoid artificially sweet foods and drinks.

2. Alcohol

A study in the journal Alcohol in 2007 showed that drinking alcohol was associated with increased lung and bronchial inflammation.

Alcohol also suppresses the white blood cells in your blood which are needed to fight the flu. Moreover, alcohol can dehydrate you.

In fact, the body really needs to stay hydrated during coughs and colds. Instead, as much as possible the body gets an increase in fluid intake during coughs and colds.

3. Caffeinated beverages

It is important to increase fluid intake during coughs and colds. However, caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, act as diuretics, increasing the excretion of water and salt from the body.

So, if drinking 3-4 cups of cappuccino or latte regularly is not a good idea when coughing and colds.

Also Read: Flu Infectious Disease Treatment, these are the similarities and differences with the common cold

4. Dairy products

Research has found that milk produces phlegm that is thicker and harder to remove.

Therefore, when you have a cold, it is better to avoid consuming milk and its processed products, especially when you are sick, the body’s mucus production becomes excessive.

Dairy products that need to be avoided or limited in consumption include cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

5. Spicy food

The capsaicin in chili peppers may have a desensitizing effect and help manage inflammation.

Only, a study published in Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition in 2016, capsaicin also stimulated the production of more phlegm.

Eating spicy curry might relieve cough and cold symptoms for a few minutes, but it will make things worse in the long run and delay recovery.

Also Read:

Symptoms of flu infection, it turns out that this is the difference with a cold


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