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Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, the networks that generate the most profits for “influencers”

Currently, Social networks, in addition to being platforms for interconnection between users, are a way to generate money. However, many people are still not clear how these can provide the content creator with so much income just by uploading a photo or video.

Over time, social networks have become more relevant in our daily lives. TSo many people have come to consider it a job due to the large sums of money that are handled through these.

Currently, according to an analysis by the Treintaycinco portal, Meta is the one who leads this market with two very strong social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. The digital advertising, which are basically advertisements directed towards a specific audience, explain the experts, andIt’s the method that allows these companies to constantly generate income.

For content creators it is a good option, however, apparently it is not the best. “YouTube is the most lucrative social network for content creators due to the whole issue of monetization based on the views and ads that a video has”said Andrés Amarís, digital marketing expert. Keep in mind that payments also depend on the region you are in. A content creator from Europe does not generate the same profits as one from South America.

TikTok appears as another viable option for content creators. Here, well-known influencers start generating money after meeting certain requirements such as having a US-based account, being over 18 years old, having more than 10,000 authentic followers, and generating 10,000 views in 30 days. The latter is essential, since the more views, the more brands are interested in advertising with you, which would generate greater income. “Brands pay close attention to the demographic, geographic characteristics, age and interests that the campaign seeks. According to that, the social network and the influencer that fits the target audience are chosen to make the guideline.”Amarís stated.

If you are interested in getting started in this medium, it is important that when doing so on a social network you establish what kind of content you want to offer and the audience you are looking to target. It is key to create a community due to the loyalty it can generate, in addition to the fact that they are the ones who will help spread the content even further.. For this, “it is important to generate valuable content that interests that audience, be constant on social networks, since they reward consistency, and listen to what that community says. It is essential to do social listening,” said Amarís.

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