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Instagram usage and mental health of the

Bachelor thesis, 2020

122 pages, grade: 1.3

Summary or introduction

The present work deals with the question of how the generation of digital natives can be protected from the health psychological risks of Instagram usage. This is portrayed from the different perspectives of the family, school, the Instagram user himself and the Instagram company. In addition, it is analyzed how well known the current preventive measures are in society and how better information can be provided. As part of a qualitative study, expert interviews are carried out with two teachers, a psychologist, two parents and two Instagram users. The interviews are carried out online using the Questionstar website.

There is a separate interview guide for each expert group. All guides contain the same categories so that the interview data can be compared and the qualitative content analysis according to Mayring can then be carried out. The present qualitative study can confirm the preventive measures already known from the literature and also work out some new suggestions for preventive measures and information options.

Social media are used for entertainment and leisure activities. For many this means a balance to the stressful everyday life. However, using social media can quickly become addictive and negatively impact mental health. The focus of this bachelor thesis is on the risky use of the Instagram platform. The app (application) shows a seemingly perfect world on the net, in which there are no problems and everyone is happy. The pictures presented there are mostly edited and perfectly staged. Low points or negative experiences are rarely reported. This seemingly perfect world can lead to self-doubt and distorted self-perception, especially in young people.


Instagram usage and the mental health of digital natives. A representation of the effects

FOM Essen, University of Economics & Management, non-profit GmbH, University management Essen formerly University of Applied Sciences

Anna Gottmann (Autor)
Catalog number
ISBN (eBook)

Instagram, social media, business psychology, digital natives

Quote work
Anna Gottmann (Autor), 2020, Instagram Usage and Mental Health of Digital Natives. A presentation of the effects, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/922942

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