Home » today » Technology » Instagram sometimes accidentally triggers camera symbol in iOS 14 | NOW

Instagram sometimes accidentally triggers camera symbol in iOS 14 | NOW

Smartphones with the test version of iOS 14 sometimes give the message that the camera is on while using Instagram. The Verge writes Saturday that Instagram is working on a solution.

Users suddenly reported this month that they saw the new symbol indicating that the camera is on light up on their iPhones while they were not using the camera. Instagram turned out to be the culprit.

According to Instagram, the camera is not actually used at that time. “Instagram will only access your camera if you ask,” a spokesperson told The Verge.

It could be due to a problem with Create Mode, or swiping the Instagram feed to the camera. The trial version of iOS 14 has more symbols to show when certain parts of the smartphone are addressed, such as the clipboard.

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