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Instagram Releases New Feature to Prevent Hate Speech

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Social media Instagram brings new features to protect users from hate speech. These features include the ability to restrict comments and Direct Message (DM) requests when they receive sudden and sudden spikes in comments, and Hidden Words, which allows users to filter DM requests.


Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri menjelaskan, pihaknya memiliki tanggung jawab besar untuk memastikan pengguna merasa aman saat menggunakan Instagram. Instagram juga tidak mengizinkan ujaran kebencian (hate speech) atau perundungan (bullying), dan akan menghapus konten tersebut ketika ditemukan.

“Bahkan, kami senantiasa berupaya untuk mencegah pengguna mengalami hal tersebut di layanan kami,” ujar dia dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis, 12 Agustus 2021.


Oleh karena itu, Mosseri menambahkan, aplikasi besutan Facebook itu terus mendengarkan masukan dari para ahli dan komunitas, serta mengembangkan fitur-fitur baru untuk memberikan lebih banyak kontrol bagi pengguna atas pengalaman mereka di Instagram dan membantu melindungi mereka dari ujaran kebencian.

Here are the details of these features:


To help protect users when experiencing or anticipating a spike in unwanted comments and DMs, Instagram is introducing an easy-to-activate Limits feature. This feature will automatically hide comments and DM requests from accounts that don’t follow user accounts, or accounts that have recently followed you.

“We developed this feature because we heard that creators and public figures sometimes experience sudden spikes in comments and DM requests from accounts they don’t know,” said Mosseri.

For example, Mosseri pointed out that when an athlete goes viral after winning an Olympic medal, it is sometimes followed by a spike in unwanted comments and messages. This feature was created as a form of support for the athlete to protect his experience on Instagram.

If the user is currently experiencing something similar or feels that it will happen in the near future, this feature can be activated by the Limits feature. “And avoiding unwanted experiences.”

Instagram research shows that many negative experiences received by public figures come from accounts that don’t follow them, accounts that just follow them, or accounts that suddenly appear at certain moments. This trend was seen after the Euro 2020 final match event which resulted in a significant spike in racist and unacceptable remarks against football players.

Limits will be available to all Instagram users globally. The user can open the privacy settings to enable or disable this feature, whenever the user wants. “Moreover, we’re also currently looking at ways to detect when you may experience spikes in comments and DMs, so we can remind you to enable this feature,” he said.

Against hate speech DM

To help protect users from hate speech in their DM requests, Instaram has just announced the Hidden Words feature. This feature allows users to automatically filter offensive words, phrases and emojis into the Hidden Bar folder.

This way, users don’t have to open the messages contained in the folder if they don’t want to see them. Instagram rolled out the feature in several countries earlier this year, and it will be available globally by the end of this month.

“We will continue to encourage accounts with a high number of followers to use this feature, either through messages in their DM inbox or at the very front of their Stories column,” said Mossreri.

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