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Instagram Now Suggests Interesting Content in “Feed”

KOMPAS.comInstagram release features new so called will create feed more “personalized,” at least according to the algorithm. Features these are suggested post or uploads are recommended.

As the name implies, this feature will suggest uploads from accounts that users don’t follow.
This suggestion will only appear after there is a statement “you’re all caught up” which indicates everything feed in the last 48 hours the user has seen.

Users will be given the option to scroll through content suggested by Instagram. The upload suggestions shown will not be the same as the uploads that appear in the tab Explore.

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Head of Product Instagram Home, Julian Gutman explained, the upload suggestion will display a photo or video that was recently uploaded from someone who was not followed.

While Explore, offering content close to the accounts they follow and are adjusted to engagement from feed interact with them on a daily basis (such as giving likes or comments).

As in feed, Ads will also appear in upload suggestions in between photos and videos.
IGTV or Reels called will not appear in the upload suggestions section.

Gutman declined to say how many users spent their time scrolling feed Instagram until a warning appears considering that currently more people are viewing Instagram Stories content.

This feature is considered to be contrary to the principles of Instagram two years ago, when it released a warning feature so that users don’t play Instagram for long.

Kevin Systrom, the CEO of Instagram at that time, kept the mental health and minds of users who were too long on the hook scrolling Instagram as the basis for releasing this feature.

However, Gutman dismissed accusations that the recommended upload feature was aimed at getting users addicted to Instagram again.

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“For us this comes from our vision a few years ago, where people saw feed as a place to find things that are attractive to them, “explained Gutman.

“With an increase machine learning, make it easier for you to see more of the posts that are on Instagram every day and bring relevant personalization to you, “

Summarized KompasTekno from The Verge, Friday (21/8/2020) this feature also seems to be a sign that Instagram doesn’t want to be outdone by TikTok, which constantly displays content on feedrelentlessly.

Extend feed Instagram also makes room for more advertisers who ultimately impact monetization.

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