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Instagram is testing more bio links

To create an Instagram bio that grabs the attention of users and also serves to drive traffic to other platforms, it is essential to include a link in the description. This can lead to our company website, Facebook page or any other destination you want to direct the user to (for example, the landing page of a certain promotion).

LinkTree is an external service that allows you to access multiple URLs from your Instagram bio

On Instagram, on the other hand, only one link can be placed in the bio, which forces companies and private users to choose only one URL and change it if necessary due to special circumstances. Another option that can be used is a service like LinkTree, which allows you to post a URL showing various destination link options.

Instagram doesn’t have a built-in feature that allows you to post more than one URL, at least for now. The company is experimenting with some users allowing them to add multiple links to their Instagram bio.

For the moment it is only a test that is carried out with a small number of creators and that Instagram has not even officially announced. However, some of these users have posted screenshots of what this new tool would look like on their social media.

Basically, by entering the Instagram profile settings, where a link to the biography can be added, the people who are part of the test can now see a + symbol which, if clicked, allows you to post up to two additional URLs. This allows you not to change the profile link and to offer more options to receive more information to the user who visits it.

While this is an option that everyone agrees benefits both businesses and individuals who use Instagram, the company is reluctant to officially launch it as it could also mean more means for the user to leave its platform. After all, Instagram wants the user to spend as much time on Instagram as possible and gives them more options to leave the social network, these extra links worry the company.

For this is conducting this test to assess the impact that the launch of the tool could have on more than 1,200 million users of the social network worldwide. It is not the first time that it has tried this possibility, because in October of last year the option could be seen in the code of the beta version of the application, but so far Instagram has decided to make it available to all its users. .

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