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Instagram is preparing a feature that will allow you to control what appears in your feed

New to Instagram is a feature that would allow users to take back control of the content they see in the app feed. This functionality would go against the algorithm of the social network.

Instagram is a controversial app in many ways. At the origin of this social network, photographs were the backbone and, moreover, following users had an almost ominous significance. By clicking on the button to follow that person’s content, it was emptied into our feed and as a result we interacted with their photos or videos.

Years have passed and the app has evolved in such a way that now following a person does not imply that you are going to see their content. Algorithms are the kings of Instagram and their mandate spares no one. Corn It looks like there is a light of revolution within Instagram, there has been talk of a new feature that will empower users.

The feature would offer social network users the ability to create a sort of favorite people list within the app.. By making this selection of people, all the content they post will be prioritized and will appear in the top area of ​​the Instagram feed. That would mean that algorithms would have to succumb to people, for now.

Not much has been seen about this feature, but it appears to be already in a trial period. Of course, we should not claim victory so early. Instagram might end up not including this feature in its app. Only time has the answer to this question, but we must not forget that the social network has been adding new features to its application for some time.

In fact, this feature is heavily inspired by the “best friends” feature of Instagram stories. We will have to wait for the official confirmation from Instagram. It is possible that the social network has realized that it is difficult to consume posts when the ones that really interest them do not show them..

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