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“Instagram has given visibility to a lot of girls!”

ven. May 21, 2021

Mov: Eastwhat can you explain to us the concept of “Marie and things” ?

Marie Papillon: It is the story of a girl in her daily life, which has a faculty and a peculiarity which is that when she finds herself in moments of doubts or questioning as we can all have, his consciousness is found in objects. So she finds herself in situations where either the objects interfere and help her, or conversely they tell her nothing but bad stuff, and she loses all her means which results in funny situations..

How did you get this obsession with objects? Is it Toy Story?

In fact since I was little it’s a game that I have been making, but that I had tried to bury deep inside me when I was a teenager. I said to myself “Good Marie it’s okay you’re going to stop his bullshit it’s still weird !. And in fact with confinement and Instagram, I started posting it on the internet and it got bigger.

Besides “Marie and things“Did you get the idea during confinement?

Exactly ! In fact during confinement we could do nothing, we were locked in our home and suddenly had to do with what we had around us. At that time, I did a lot of object stories and people also started to see their apartments differently.. And then my producer told me that we really had to do something with it, especially since I broached a lot of different themes with her objects..

Marie and things

Exactly what themes do we find in your series?

Themes of everyday life that speak to everyone: body hair, yeast infection, menstruation, date, jealousy, procrastination etc … Then I will also tackle themes that are deeper but always in a fairly light and benevolent way. For example menopause, ordinary sexism, gender, discrimination and even death ! These are themes that we do not necessarily put forward because we talk about them less, or more taboo themes typical of the fart in the couple, that fart that wakes you up when you have just met someone !

Did you get inspired by anecdotes from your life?

Yes obviously, things of my daily life that I control. Then there are also things that impact my friends and that I want to highlight. For example, menopause is not a subject that concerns me now but that I believe we should talk about more to support women in this, and stop believing that because we are menopausal we no longer have life ! So it was a subject that I wanted to highlight because there are also very young women who are menopausal, and I wanted to break this taboo there.. I tried to do something inclusive in fact, at my level with my knowledge, to try to sensitize people with a not moralizing tone. Let’s just try to discuss it, either to laugh about it, or to open a debate and a reflection on it to better understand each other !

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