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Instagram and Facebook campaign to stop drug sales!

Instagram and Facebook are rebelling! While dealers are rampant on social networks, networks are fighting back.

The social media revolt begins! While drug dealers have found a way to use Snapchat or even Tiktok to sell their drugs, Facebook and Instagram are fighting back. MCETV tells you more!

Dealers on the networks

Because the initiative has no limit. Especially for the dealers. Some have thus succeeded in finding new “markets” thanks to social networks. They offer drugs, and even to deliver it to your home. Which also multiplies the dangers

And if the scandal is still quite light in France, other countries have experienced real tragedies because of drugs sold on the net. The American media thus tell the story of Alex Neville, 14 years old. A child who died of an overdose.

The young man thus found drugs via Snapchat. Except that the pills he took killed him. Since then, his mother has led the fight against this scourge. And thus contacted the directors of Facebook and Instagram, in order to put them face to face with their responsibilities.

Social networks are therefore on the front line. They can no longer ignore that some drug dealers are using their services. Especially since Alex Neville’s mom never gives up, and continues to support the fight against drugs.

The dealer has indeed sold “anti-depressants” to his son. When he announced to his parents that he was being treated for depression, he was killed the next day. A story she shared on Instagram, before contacting Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg’s social network also bought Insta, and therefore the power to make a difference. Alex Neville’s mother also got responses from Tiktok and Snapchat. The two networks are thus engaged in the fight against drugs.

Instagram and Facebook campaign to stop drug sales!

Instagram takes action against the sale of drugs

All social networks have come to admit that the problem exists. And also that we must try to fight against. Tiktok and Snapchat have announced that they already have started deleting accounts drug dealers.

Facebook, for its part, ensures that it remains prohibited to sell or buy drugs through its interfaces. Rachel Racusen, spokesperson for the social network, also adds that the accounts of the youngest subscribers will have videos about the dangers of drugs.

In their news feed, they will have videos on drug prevention. A way to educate the youngest. And no doubt to make them understand that they should not consume just anything.

Or even that you shouldn’t buy just anything from just anyone. A first engagement of Facebook which gives a little resonance to the fight of the mother of Alex Neville. But we must continue to support after the death of Sammy Chapman.

He was 16 years old. He also thought he was taking pills for depression. Corn a dealer also sold him fentanyl. The boy overdosed, and started the debate again. But a breakthrough should soon take place.

Social networks have indeed launched a study. The objective, to flush out the dealers in less than 3 minutes. It remains to be seen whether the tests are conclusive.