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Instagram: 8 actions to take if you are the victim of cyber-harassment!

If you are a victim of cyber-harassment on Instagram, we give you some tips to stop it as soon as possible.

On social networks, there is more and more cyber-harassment. That is to say simply online harassment. And this concerns the youngest. So, we give you 8 gestures to have if you are a victim of this on Instagram.

free speech

First, it is very important to talk about it around you. Because cyber-harassment affects more people than you think. 12% of 8-18 year olds have known it. A number that continues to increase over the years. So it’s no shame.

Talk to your loved ones or someone you trust. Don’t let yourself be taken in by a negative spiral. At that time, it may be time to cut Instagram for several days.

Make your Instagram profile private

You have the choice between public and private on Instagram. If it’s public, anyone can see your photos and talk to you. But if you put it in private, it will reduce interactionss with ill-intentioned people.

Also feel free to delete anyone you don’t know. Because sometimes people subscribe but we don’t know them.

Remember to block and report accounts

If an account seems suspicious or simply hateful between you, don’t hesitate. Block it and report it. This way, this person will no longer be likely to harm you. On Instagram it only takes a few clicks.

But if the wave of cyberbullying is too strong, disconnect your own account.

Instagram: 8 actions to take if you are the victim of cyber-harassment!

More notifications

What hurts is also all the previews of messages that we can receive. So, mute your notifications whether on Instagram or elsewhere.

Keep only the positive

On Instagram you can pin the comments you want. So, pin positive and caring comments. That put them on display for all to see. And it doesn’t hurt.

Disable likes and comments

To avoid any nasty remarks, just disable comments under your Instagram posts. So no one cannot comment on what you do. And on the one hand, you don’t need to have comments!

Same for likes. Thanks to that, more pressure to the number of likes. It will be enough to post what you like without worrying about the eyes of others.

Refuse mentions

On this social network, it is possible to identify people on publications. But you can disable this feature to avoid malicious posts and comments. Just go to Privacy.

Ask for help

If you are the victim of cyber-harassment, do not hesitate to seek help. And for that, associations are at your disposal if you need help. You can for example call 3018, the E-Enfance number.

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