Wöllstadt (pm). The Musikverein Ober-Wöllstadt has been offering music lessons for the little ones for some time. Already in the eighth year, four and five year old children are introduced to music by Lydia Schüffler in various early education and instrumental groups. The educator explains her motivation: »My dream is to get the youngest children excited about music and to accompany them through to instrumental lessons;
ideally from a parent-child course to a well-trained student on the instrument. In doing so, I try to convey the music as the key to relaxation and not as a chore. “
Keep in touch with small tasks
The pandemic, however, abruptly interrupted this request. Maintaining contact with the children of early musical education turned out to be very difficult, as it cannot be done satisfactorily online. Schüffler gave the kindergarten children little tasks, such as showing a photo of how they occupied themselves during the pandemic or painting a picture of the respective last topic.
The instrumental students were provided with videos, tasks and exercises over the entire period. Some things could be absorbed, but it did not replace face-to-face teaching, as the association emphasizes.
In some cases, teaching with a hygiene concept was allowed to take place again last autumn. Schüffler reports: “It was particularly time-consuming in early childhood education because the distances between kindergarten children are not so easy to keep. Singing was no longer possible or only possible to a very limited extent with masks and very large distances. All items, such as mallets for the xylophones, had to be constantly disinfected. «However, these lessons ended shortly afterwards, namely in October 2020.
Back soon Group courses
In the meantime, the individual lessons can take place again. Despite all the limitations, everyone tries to make the most of it. The music teacher receives a lot of support from the music association, as he takes on all the organization and administrative work. The club and the music teacher are in constant contact and advise one another. Hope rests on the continuing decline in incidence, which will soon allow the group courses to continue. Schüffler: »I miss the children very much and I hope that things will continue soon. I’m prepared and I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again. “