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Inspired by Peter R. de Vries, these people put the same tattoo

The well-known lawyer Peter Schouten, a good friend of the murdered crime reporter, announced via Twitter that he had the text ‘On bended knee is no way to be free’ tattooed on his leg. Peter R. de Vries had this text on his right calf and once said about it: ‘this text means that we are not subordinate to anyone.’

Peter R. managed to inspire more people. These people also had the text imprinted on their bodies forever:

Wilco: ‘I have a lot of tattoos, but this one is extra special’

Wilco Bogers: “I’m a truck driver, I love snakes and I love tattoos. My whole body is covered by it. My legs, arms and back; almost completely. I really liked Peter R. de Vries’ tattoo. Not kneeling for injustice but standing up for inequality, that also fits very well with the way I view life.I also have a lot of respect for the work of Peter R. I had my tattoo done two weeks ago, at the bottom of my Knee Pain? Well no, it cost me less than 200 euros. I’m very proud of it. Really an asset. The text is beautiful, I look at it every day. And I get super nice reactions.”

Tammie: ‘Misery can’t get to me, that’s why the tattoo’

Tammie (48): “I had a difficult childhood with a lot of misery. But it never got me down. I continued. When I read about Peter R. de Vries and his tattoo I knew for sure: I also wanted my life motto. on my arm After his death I put my motto on my arm, inspired by Peter R.: “When you’re at the end of the rope, tie a knot and hold on.’
Similar to Peter R., this text really fits my life: you should never fall, but always climb back up. I got the tattoo two weeks ago. The death of Peter R. encouraged me to do it. I am a great admirer of his. He also did not give up. The tattoo is already priceless. When I have a difficult moment, I look at it and I get energy again.”

Sonny: ‘This life motto suits me’

Sonny Hassani: “I put the tattoo with the same spell as Peter R. de Vries above my knee. That was on July 8. Then Peter R. had just been shot and he was still fighting for his life. I hoped so much that he I got the text tattooed on my knee because that’s how I view life. Open and direct, honest and pure. I was born in Kosovo and as a little boy fled to the Netherlands with my parents because of the war. I also have to fight hard in this life. I am now a draftsman and tattoo artist. I follow my passion, just like Peter R. de Vries. I used to watch his shows. I hope he now rests in peace.”

Mona: ‘With this tattoo, Peter R. de Vries lives on’

Mona (31) from Sittard: “I am perhaps one of the biggest fans of Peter R. de Vries. For more than 20 years. I still shed a tear every day, even though I have never met him. very sad. His death still touches me. He was such a good person, stood up for everyone. As a tribute I got the tattoo two weeks ago, also on my right calf in exactly the same place and the same text. It is my first tattoo. My parents didn’t like it: “You will regret that, because a tattoo will never go away”, they said. But I am very happy with it. The text suits me. I am not afraid of anyone. And with the tattoo, Peter R. lives on a bit.”

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