The Inspector General of Finances, Jules Alingete, had revealed a few months after his appointment as head of the General Inspectorate of Finances, that the receipts from Go-pass or IDEF must be paid by each passenger before boarding an aircraft, were mortgaged for three years to come by the outgoing regime.
“Know this, for three years you will not see the go pass money because this money has already been used for purposes that we do not know about. Everything you pay, you pay debts, you repay (Editor’s note: to banks). We were told that they built this air terminal in N’djili, we don’t know how much it cost, they fixed the runway, but they left debts. So all the money collected pays off these debts and it will take three years for the vaguely declared and uncertified work,” had revealed the financial policeman.
And to add: “You can imagine that in this go pass money, 43 million USD, according to what we were told, was sent for the development of Kalemie airport. Go to Kalemie and check if there is a 43 million USD airport! Look at how things have been managed, and it is regrettable: 43 million USD for an airport whose work carried out is not up to this amount of money”.
As of today, Jules Alingete has completed three years at the head of the IGF and everyone agrees that the three-year mortgage on Go-pass receipts has been reached. The supervision of these revenues which are enormous then proves to be important with regard to the objective assigned to this tax, that in particular of maintaining and rehabilitating the airport infrastructures.
Experts are of the opinion that if these receipts are well supervised, the Airway Authority (RVA) can build a modern airport each year in each province and that Kinshasa and Lubumbashi can be equipped with airports of the Istanbul model type in Turkey or Addis -Ababa in Ethiopia.
Not without reason, because small calculations made, considering only a few international aviation companies serving Kinshasa (Brussel Airlines, Air France, Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, South Africa Airways…), each with an average capacity of at less than 200 passengers, just with these foreign companies, the RVA realizes daily no less than 50 thousand USD given that each passage pays 50 USD and that we take the average of 1000 passengers per day. If we add the local companies (CAA, Congo Airways…) and others who organize the VNR, with the average of 600 passages per day, it is at least 6 thousand USD each day. If per day the RVA is able to generate 55 to 60 thousand USD per day, then per month it is between 1.5 and 1.8 million that this Go-pass tax provides it and it is between 18 million and 21 million received during the year. And all these amounts concern only the international airport of N’djili.
If it is then necessary to take the other airports, in particular Goma, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, Kisangani, Kindu, Kalemie, Mbandaka, Kolwezi, etc., the RVA reaches 25 million USD annually generated by the Go-pass tax. Enough, with orthodox management, to build modern airport infrastructure. Hence this arrest at the IGF for the supervision of Go-pass receipts. Otherwise, it is abnormal that introduced since March 2009, this tax in 14 years, does not give satisfactory results.
2023-08-19 17:00:03
#Management #Gopass #IGF #remorse #Scoop #DRC