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Insomnia, why does it reach a certain age? A study dispels all doubts

Insomnia can manifest itself more and more as the years progress. But why does it reveal itself at a certain age? The answer is given by science.

Cases of insomnia occur more and more often. In fact, with advancing age, the emergence of this problem is more and more frequent. Aging not only leads to less sleep but also bad sleep. Of course, this can’t be a good thing as sleep quality affects daily activities. But what does the link between theaging and theinsomnia?

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Many may think of any factor in generating insomnia. But according to a study conducted by Luis de Lecea’s team at Stanford University, it seems that everything is traced back tohyperactivity of neurons. Furthermore, this study was carried out on mice.

This phenomenon, according to the study, would bind to overly active neurons. The problem of insomnia, however, belongs to many people. There are so many ways to fight it, one is about one particular millenary aromatic herb. Even then, the effect left everyone surprised. Just like this study. Here are the details of the research.

Insomnia, hyperactive neurons problem? Here’s what the study says

These neurons would be found in thehypothalamus. They have the function of producing a protein which is called hypocretin or orexin. It is a neurotransmitter that binds in the regulation of the sleep-wake rhythm. As we age, the number of these neurons decreases. In the study, the researchers found that in older mice some activity of these neurons was found.

As we have said, however, the factors that generate insomnia are various. We can mention the television on in the bedroom or the light of the street lamp. Many aspects can affect sleep and lead to not sleeping at all. Another study, this time carried out by Northwestern University, highlighted these scenarios on 20 volunteers. The protagonists of the research were observed for two nights: in one they slept in the dark while in the other with a small light.

The results of this study showed how light leads to an increased heart rate. In addition, a worsening in blood sugar balance has also been reported. This data was verified the next morning by measuring the levels of glucose e insulin. The latter deals precisely with the regulation of these levels. After the research, the scholars took stock and came up with their hypothesis. For them, the luce leads to the autonomic nervous system being activated. Particular thing because at that moment you are sleeping.

The information in this article is for informational purposes. All the data cited come from studies that have appeared in specialized journals. They must not in any way replace advice from experts or specialists. Furthermore, this information should not be taken as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment plans.

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