Insomnia is a problem that afflicts many Italians.
But during the holidays the times are alter and insomnia can definitely get worse. During the holidays just being late and doing revelry can push towards insomnia even many Italians who normally do not suffer from this disorder. If you go to bed too late, falling asleep could become a problem.
But also eat too much and eating too frequently could disturb digestion and therefore going to cause insomnia even in those who don’t normally have this problem. If you spend sleepless nights during the holidays it is normal to get overwhelmed by euphoria but then the risk is that of sleeping too little and not recharging one’s energies.
You sleep badly but there are effective remedies
Christmas and New Year’s parties and dinners they could lead us to neglect our health and to sleep far too little. QSo whether it’s an insomnia that has been accompanying the person for a long time or whether it’s a temporary one deriving from celebrations, there are extraordinary remedies to avoid this bad ailment. First of all, you have to be very careful with exciting foods and drinks.
Surely coffee should not be consumed in the afternoon but should only be consumed in the morning. Even fried dishes should be very limited because frying is very demanding to digest and therefore then it is inevitable to spend a night in which you sleep badly. But it’s not just coffee that needs to be avoided, in fact alcohol and tea also lead to bad sleep.
Good and bad foods and important habits
Certainly, however, there are some foods that are absolutely recommended. In fact, the consumption of herbal teas is highly recommended. In fact, relaxing herbal teas help you sleep without the need for sleeping pills and therefore they certainly are a natural alternative very very useful and absolutely to be recommended.
Another absolutely advisable thing is to take a breath slow and diaphragmatic when in bed. In fact, if once you have gone to sleep you realize that you have difficulty falling asleep, slow and diaphragmatic breathing can be very useful. In fact, diaphragmatic breathing also called “belly” breathing naturally helps to relax the body and mind.
Breathing but also the right environment for sleep
In fact, if you have difficulty falling asleep, diaphragmatic breathing is a really good trick to allow our body to relax to use those substances produced by the brain which naturally help him in the phase of falling asleep.

But then a truly ideal trick is not to sleep in a room that is too hot, too cold or illuminated by artificial lights. It is very important that the room is dark and if there is the blue light of someone working on the computer surely this will not help us fall asleep and therefore also the environment in which we go to sleep certainly plays a decisive role.